Neil Degrasse Tyson Politely DESTROYED On His Woke Gender Ideology By Triggernometry In Live Debate



Nobody is doing a better job to nullify Neil Tyson’s credibility than Neil Tyson.

We’re living in a world where Neil Degrasse Tyson, Bill Nye, and Bill Gates are somehow the paragons of “science”


  1. I used to like to listen to this guy until he got his head embedded in his ass. The stars, the universe, the cosmos, OK, but now he is an expert on the junk in the shorts as it relates to the shit in the head? NO MORE NEIL… Bye, bye, idiot

  2. Mr. Tyson, what if I wake up and feel like a 25 year old bodybuilding male model who works part time as an exotic dancer? Even though I’m 67 years old, fat and bald headed – no problem! Right? What happens when I really feel that way, but the rest of the Normal Thinking World looks at me and says, no way? Mr. Tyson, are you sure you’re all that smart or could it be a lot of hype!!!

  3. Once again we have an over educated idiot trying to be smart but outside of his field of study he’s a real stupid dumb ass pile of shit (has a lot in common with poopypants Joe). No common sense what so ever. But this idiot thinks it’s OK to do what ever you want in the USA. Remember the movie Deathrace 2000? I think it would be fun to actually do that, so if I go through with randomly running people over at high speed I should get to do it. I’m only doing what the dummycrats say I should do, “Do your own thing.” Everyone has negative opinions of the 2 kids that shot up Columbine High School, but they were doing their own thing because it felt good to those kids to shoot down their fellow students. So are the 2 kids really villains or are dummycrat heroes because they did their own thing? We have laws for a reason, stupid.

  4. Yeah, I always feel like an enraged female rhesus monkey when I first wake up (50-60 percent, sometimes) until I have that first cup of coffee – then I feel better and, Walla!, I realize that I’m a man! (smirk)


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