Brandon Johnson DOUBLES DOWN On Chicago REMAINING Sanctuary City As Illegal Immigrant Protests!



Why do democrats give away our money like there’s unlimited resources to give away? When will voters end this?

As a proud American Black Republican,I’m so glad I left the Democrat plantation years ago and I never looked back

Save America Trump 2024


  1. Black, Brown, or White WOKE Marxist Democrats will ruin this country.
    Black Americans should wakeup, he is getting blacks killed!

  2. Our Country is already “well on its way” to being ruined! Wait until you see your upcoming tax refund … it will either be reduced, nothing, or you’ll have to PAY. Thanks Joe Biden … this is what YOU have done that will piss people off. You don’t raise taxes after skyrocketing inflation! Get ready America. No matter what, YOU will be affected. Do you think large companies will just suck-it-up and pay higher taxes? Hell no! Their costs will be passed on to the consumer …. Guess who?

  3. Do away with parties! The elected officials do not do the will of the people that elected them, they do the will of the party. Get them out of office!!

    • Perfectly said! True as it gets! The once strong decent UNITED states of America has crumbled into chaos for many reasons, and the majority are all caused by the democrat party! No way in HELL can this be blamed on everyone else! (It started with the idiot G.F, a known scum human! He killed himself with his crap loser lifestyle!) Check it out! Dems would be lying 100%! Typical of them, and by now they do it so well! But GOD sees all, btw! They are too stoopid, and-or too consumed with hatred, implanted into their sic brains by their party’s top leaders…and even the Demon(c)rat himself! From down below! The decent democrats need to take back their party, destroy the ISH among them, and find their decency and respectability again! Or….is it now just too late? I’m glad I’m old and lived in a much better, decent World before the GODLESS LAWBREAKING, LOOTING, ROBBING, DESTROYING KILLING, DISGUSTING, LYING, OFFENDO TRASH of whatever color, took over! I do know we, as a species, are headed for a big reset once again! And that will be a great thing for the good people who live good lives! A Cleaning out all the RIF-RAF, Crud, Lawbreakers, LOOTERS, KILLERS, Property destroyers, ETC ETC ETC! ALL These types wiil end up where they deserve to be! Remember…GOD gave us all FREE-WILL! It’s ALL on what each human chooses to do with that privilege! Where they want to spend eternity! And that’s a GOOD thing! At least for the good people. For the rest, those “ish, no reason to ‘breathe good air’ types”, who are destroying our civilization, …enjoy the Heat, YOU EARNED IT! Actually, I hope you don’t enjoy it at all! You knew better!!

    • George Washington was against political parties. What have political parties done for this country? NOTHING! Time to vote for the person instead of the party.

  4. Time to clear out Congress of life members ,it was never set up for life membership. People need to wake up and stop just voting for those in office.


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