This Video PROVES Kids Need To Be Spanked!



Parents need to be parents instead of their kid’s best friend. Keep sharing and speaking the truth Candace!!

How does that Youtubers father not have an army of people directing him to get his son in line? It’s called common courtesy, being civilized, not violating strangers personal space, and when someone says “stop “ don’t keep pushing until they say it three times and take drastic measures. -is that how he treats the girls he dates too?


  1. Oh, yeah. They need a swat on the butt. It doesn’t hurt them but it drives home a point. Consequences. Always consequences. Your swat it , NOT KISS it. MOre than spanking, it is the idea of establishing who IS IN CHARGE. Mom and dad, not the little ass-wipes. This “Baby Hughey” who was harassing the poor working guy, should have caught one in the head, not the chest. He learned nothing. His folks licked his ass as the head of his household and master of the universe. He is a menace. This ass hole is 21??? Most folks have a job, an apartment, a profession, a car and a future, not hanging in a Mall, with his little hat on backwards to prove his coolness and terrorizing people who have an actual life. I hope he meets his fate , soon. The shooter deserves a medal.. Not punishment. The btch who dumped the keyboard needs to be beaten within an inch of her non-existent , worthless life and then acid poured on camel toes.. Skirt up to her —nt , so she would probably like it. Candace is correct. Reverse this, and the BLM would burn down the city. This ignorant POS needs to be dragged to jail, fined, and pay for her ignorance. And BTW, Maren Morris can kiss my country ASS.. She is a parasite, user, GAGA, who will piss on those who made her money for her.. Good riddance.

  2. This guys father is defending him by saying he was just joking around? He was in the door dash workers face for Pete’s sake! And he wouldn’t back off even when he was asked a few times! This joker guy was 100% wrong to approach this other guy, and he had every right to defend himself. Too bad he didn’t aim for his head, that would have been my focus. With the other video that black bimbo should get her ass kicked. I hope she comes across someone that knocks the shit out of her. Fix her up real good.


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