The CASES Against Trump Are COLLAPSING!!!



Trump should sue all these witch hunters for all legal fees

Vote Trump no matter what or who.❤


  1. Total garbage law suits…..a blind person could see what all the left
    is trying to do …to make a name for themselves…..sell books, speeches
    personal appearances fame and fortune to be the one that takes down
    D T….kinda like the old west…..all the left is interested in….no matter
    how it takes down our country…..he is the only one that can deliver
    us out of this total mess we are in, due to the current policies of this
    administration. Just take a good look around ….we are in a lot of doo
    doo right now. It all started coming down the elevator and has never
    stopped. He was and is an outsider and can not be allowed to fix things!
    don’t think Rod Sterling could have out done this story…Lets go back
    to the 50’s and start over with current knowledge….avoiding the traps.

  2. Trump should be suing every single individual involved in any one of these cases. he shoudl sue them in texas or wyoming. so they get the same jury of their peers they want trump to have.

    Ask for 20 million from each individual and ask the court to make the fines non-expungable via bankruptcy.

  3. When they sent people in to secure the documents who didn’t have the highest security clearance it seems they would have lost their own case about it being highly classified unless it was the documents they brought with them.

  4. Ofcouse the so called highly secret dokuments were planted, why else would they order everyone out and all the cameras turned of. All communists tactics…

    • Biden,polsi,and Clinton. The biggest corrupt people one should be held for treason has to make Donald trump look bad to do there own cover ups.

  5. We the people need to reinstate the GALOWS and start hanging the criminals starting with crooked and corrupted politicians and traitors like Joe Biden, Garland, wray, Schumer, Pelosi, Rinos and so on and on. Hung them all for treason!!!

  6. All the DA’s all the prosecutor and democrat judges should all be disbarred for abouse of power…they could do this to trump they could do it to everyone…and now Biden has gotten us into yet another war..he is done and the people of America need to vote all democrats up for re-election out not just out of politics..out period…shut them down or this will never stop.


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