Liberals Are TURNING AGAINST the Woke Left and EMBRACING Trump!!!



If there was a Federal vote in Canada today it would be a massive win for the Pierre Poilievre Conservatives. The Conservatives would win 205 of 332 Federal seats. Only Quebec has any favor at all towards the Liberals.

This is why I have always stood my ground since 2015 when supporting Trump I don’t care how he says things maybe because I don’t get offended by everything lol simple fact is I saw what was going on long before Trump showed up and new we needed a change and Trump brought that change.


  1. There are no more liberals. there are only leftism religion believers. The term liberal has zero meaning. just like progressive has no meaning. after all what are you “progressing” toward?

    Whether you say liberal, progressive or leftist they are mean the same thing: rebellious spoiled brat wimp. whether they are 8 or 80 it makes no difference they are all the same thing.

    As a result that is no correction, accommodation, or change in society that will satisfy their rebellion because rebellion is the goal. so as people wake up from their indoctrination by are impossibly incompetent teachers and public schools they realize the there is no point to the rebellion and screaming. that is the point they walk away from the democrats and leftism religious beliefs.

    the fact is the democrats are corrupt, they do commit voter fraud, they do bribe, steal, murder and sell out america. further the democrats think they are clever doing it. They are clever because they hide it under that leftist rebellion goal.

    • The dummycrat aren’t fooling anyone but themselves. We all know they are a bunch of corrupt gutless bags of runny shit. They aren’t hiding anything, even though THEY think they are. The problem is that the dummycrats get away with all this fraud no matter how overwhelming the evidence is against them. Because the republican party has at least a fourth of it’s members as wimpy RINOs, there won’t be any consequences. If the dummycrats ever succeed in turning this country communist, they will be the ones who won’t tolerate rebellion. What really hurts is that all this corruption could’ve been stopped if Nixon would have challenged the 1960 election.

  2. Looks like people are finally beginning to wake up, to the far left destructive ideologies. This
    country was founded on Judeo Christian values; & prospered because of it. Now the far left is trying to turn this country into a Godless, socialist society; where the rulers will have complete control of everyone else. We the people will be their slaves. Socialism/marxism/communism has never, & will never result in anything but disaster for the people who live under its boot. WAKE UP America, before it’s too late. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED !!!

  3. why would anyone be a democrats or support democrats after the 8 years of obama followed by the four years of Biden.

    there is absolutely nothing those two have not screwed up.


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