HOLY SH*T! Trudeau just said the UNTHINKABLE! | Redacted with Clayton Morris


Justin Trudeau has broken ranks with his globalist contemporaries and condemned the killing in Gaza. What’s going on here? He doesn’t usually step a toe out of the Western narrative. Is this sincere or political calculation?
Justin Trudeau, who has been often regarded as a staunch supporter of the Western narrative, has generally favored policies and stances that align with globalism. As such, he is often seen attending high-profile international events like the World Economic Forum in Davos or the G7 summits, where leaders discuss pressing global issues from a predominantly Western perspective.
Redacted discusses this in the YouTube video below:


I have to hand it to Justin Trudeau, he really handles rejection well. He is hated and ridiculed around the world and he still smiles.

He wants peace in the med east but had the police assaulting peaceful protestors in Ottawa just a few years ago. HUGE HYPOCRITE


    • Canadians have become stupid people much like the white suburban house wives in america.

      They are not capable of thinking.

      if you talk like a liberal you can get any american house wife to spread them while her husband is at work. talk pictures send them to the husband. always a good time.

  1. Aren’t the very same palestinians the same as those who were cheering the success of the Oct 7 atrocities? Most are , I’m sure! The streets were filled with joyous activity. And then you also say nothing at all about the remaining Hamas soldiers still embedded in the civilian landscape that the population itself seem to be content with!!?? Are you insinuating to just let the terrorists remaining go free? Just walk away? Sounds like you are. You mentioned no future plans for these killers!! Not one word what to do with them!! Why is that? And look how stupid and self destructive it would be to actually allow the palestinaians inside the Jewish State?? To pay for their existence and allow them safe haven on a permanent level? What do you think is going on here in the states? We are inviting the enemy to our homes!! And we are going to pay for this stupidity! No!! No!! Send them to the West Bank!! They are palestinians as well and have much more room! The Gaza goes back to Israel. Period!! What do you do with people that won’t leave the area of battle? They are content protecting the terrorists, aren’t they? They hide weapons and fire rockets from the rooftops of their own homes!! Sounds like nice people we ought not to kill, doesn’t it? How come NOT ONE OF THEIR ARAB MUSLIM NEIGHBORS WANT TO HARBOR THEM? WHY IS THAT? I’ll tell you what. Have all the BigMouth peacenicks come on down and filter out the terrorists away from the civilians so the IDF doesn’t have to carpet bomb any longer! C’Mon Man!! They are yapping their traps!! Let’s see what they got!! Bring it Bigmouths!!

  2. The question is which killings? That of Hamas who started the fight OR is he referring to that of Israel defending Israel??? More likely the latter out of his twisted mind that losers voted for. So who’s to blame???

    • it is clear that canada should be invaded and we shoudl demand Trudeau make hourly speeches saying canada will not defend itself as canada wants to stop the killing.

      all the canadian women can be taken as sex slaves and the men shipped to San Francisco to service the gays in the bath houses. it will be like rome 2000 years ago.

  3. I use to love goign to canada; especially for skiing. in the last 10 years the Canadians have become so stupid and so leftist I really can not be aroudn them anymore. I so not know how Canadians got so stupid but Justin Castro-Trudeau is proof of their stupidity.

    A more intelligent group would have stopped voting for the liberal party a long time ago.


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