Woke Libs PANIC as Another Democrat SWITCHES to GOP!!



As a black American man from Brooklyn, NY, I’d rather have a Trump dictatorship than a Biden régime anytime.

Glad to see there are still some democrats who can think for themselves and make the right patriotic choice.


  1. The phony “we care” attitude of the dummycrats is finally being exposed and finally some old school democrats are realizing the dummycrat party doesn’t give a damn about the working class or poor and the only purpose of the open border is to make future voters for the dummycrats who are already dumbed down thanks to crappy economic conditions and piss poor education from the country they are running away from. Dummycrats don’t need to spend as much money on the federal education program because these new illegal immigrants are already dumbed down and because most are running away from a dictatorship they’ll feel right at home under the Marxist dummycrat regime. Dummycrats are waving the flag of the USSR not the American Flag.

  2. There’s really no Democrats anymore.

  3. Just like everything else, there are too many people that are sleeping and all they care about are their cells phones and Starbucks! These selfish people will wake up some day and say, “oh my God, when did this happen?” “How could it have happened?”
    The Dems are smarter than the conservatives in that they prepared for this over decades and laid in wait very patiently for the right opportunity.

  4. the democrats/leftists are bigots, racists, rapist, murderers and believe any level of corruption is ok. They love that Hamas murdered, kidnapped and raped Jews. it makes leftists happy. they live that the blacks murder each other in most democrat cities. they love the constant corruption of the pelosi’s, obama’s, clinton’s and biden’s. they can think of nothing better then newsom’s destruction of california. Democrats/Leftist applauded biden bring terrorists and murderers across the southern border.

    Yup, if you support democrats you are pure evil.

  5. One must be cautious of them that change this quick. Are they a inplant to spy or something else like that. Never trust a democrat if you don’t have to. Firs5 they lie , then try to play the victim of that lie. It’s the far left Communist democrat way.

  6. The Bible predicted that these things would happen. If you’ve read it, you would know this. Our public schools, from kindergarten through the poison ivy league institutions, are indoctrinating our students, instead of educating them. Our Democrats & Rinos are pushing a doctrine of Marxism & dictatorship on this country. They do this to make themselves richer & more powerful, @ the taxpayers expense. None of this escapes God’s knowledge, & as the Bible says “every knee will bow & every tongue will confess, to the glory of God the Father.”

    • It’s not just limited to the dummycrats and RINO pushing for a communist lunatic one world government. Now I hear even the pope of the Roman Catholic Church is embracing fag marriage. Is that guy a pope or is he the false profit on a mission from the anti christ to destroy all churches? There’s a special place in hell for those that desecrate the priesthood, pastor, or reverend spreading false beliefs and lies about the Bible.

  7. I switched over several years ago. If they open their eyes
    and listen , they’!! get it. Best thing I’ve ever done. Pay attention people.

  8. The liberal left party has nothing to offer the citizens of this country except to bleed us all of our money, rights and freedoms. The liberal left democrats want power and control and with that comes wealth. They have proven themselves to be nothing more than selfish, corrupt politicians who thrive on greed to keep themselves in office. Our country needs to remove these idiots who are destroying our country and bring back our values and principles, we need strength and justice to help our nation to be united.

  9. Biden and his administration have Satan’s blood running through their veins, nothing good will come out of this administration but destruction of our country. Biden is a traitor and he has China working with him to make sure the United States crumbles. Biden should be convicted of treason and should be in prison along with members of his family.

  10. You know, I’ve been poor all my life and never said anything about it
    to amount to anything. That is, until now! I grew up in a small rual town
    in southern Indiana and never been to a big city like Los Angelis in my
    whole life. But I look around and see what is happening, I cannot believe
    my eyes. If the U. S. lets him, Biden will not retire the dollar, but our
    economy will be distroyed. Will someone charge him with treason? If a
    child is caught steeling food, These Bastards would lock them up add throw away the key. If the Biden family realy is guilty of all the things
    I have read about, then put the family away.


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