WAIT FOR IT… Letitia James CAUGHT Saying This About The Donald Trump Case!



TRUMP 2024 ALL THE WAY! We need honesty and integrity back in the Whitehouse NOW!!!

Trump should be suing Latitia James and the Biased Judge.


    • Stone face – should be charged, Pretty sad you can threaten a Former President & make up charges to take them down and a stupid Old Has been Judge that takes Pictures of himself nude in a bathroom, posting the waves of his aged Skin, Thinking it’s what people want- It’s Sickening ????????????????????????

    • He believed that the election was not fair. He has a right and obligation to those that voted for him to question and make their case. He is not the first politician to so that. I believe your girl did, and still does since 2016. You can never invite him over for a meal because you don’t like his arrogance, but it was just that trait that brings him success. And you believe Obamas meat puppet is honest? And he is and was a crappy president. You realize this is really obamas 3rd term?

    • How would YOU feel if someone stole something from you? It’s one thing to lose fair and square and it’s another when your opponent lies and cheats his way to a win. I knew with the reporting on election night things were looking pretty fishy when state were claiming stupid old senile poopypants Joe won the state BEFORE the votes were counted. Then there’s the election board following the voting results in the background saying Trump was ahead but the news commentor saying Trump was losing. Then a couple years later I saw the movie 2000 mules and they had REAL film footage of how the theft was taking place, They even showed what the results would’ve been had this election been honest. Trump would’ve beat Joe but the margin would’ve been about the same as it was when Trump beat horrible Hillary. The point is that the 2020 election was stolen and I don’t blame Trump for feeling the way he does. When the 1960 election was stolen, Nixon decided to just let it go. Maybe a noble action on his part but it embolden the dummycrats to cheat in future elections since they got away with it in 1960 and there’s several times they cheated and managed to pull it off. The 2020 election was the ultimate climax in their lust for power.

    • Haha he was not a sore loser. There is no way in hell I will ever believe that the imbecile in the WH who was unable to find his way out of his basement legally won the election. Biden has destroyed America and is getting us in WWIII. President Trump was what America needed then and desperately needs now. Anyone without Trump syndrome and half a brain knows that.
      I wasn’t sure about President Trump in 2015 because of all I had heard through the years. I shut out the BS and honestly listened to what he was saying. After benefiting and living through his years in the WH there is no one better for 2024. MAGA President Trump is this country’s only hope of survival.
      Praying those that are against him wake up before it’s too late. The end is coming and if President Trump doesn’t win it will happen sooner rather than later. God help us all.


    Both the judge and James need to go to prison for life and have all their assets confiscated and they pensions cancelled. They are both completely corrupt.

    The fact is our cruel and usually punishment laws shoudl be cancelled just to deal with these two.

  2. Who is ever 100% honest especially politicians and Trump the dump, is where he belongs.
    Have all you yanks forgotten who let 500,00 plus good Americans die back in 2018 for not believing the doctors about covid from China.
    How can you support him………….start being honest.

    • First of all the numbers aren’t accurate. Only Covid no flu. Lol
      Now the flu is back. I had Covid and had worse asthma attacks over the years. My son and his family all had it twice each real bad. I lost two people I personally knew and they had lots of other health issues too. Any vaccine that needs continuous doses doesn’t work. The whole thing was created to stop President Trump, get Imbecile Biden elected through mail in ballots to help cheat, learn how much they could control the citizens. Sadly lots of people died (we will never know the actual numbers), every year thousands die from the flu. All democrats corrupt plan to control this country.

      • You’re right, Roxy. My son caught covid a couple years ago when he was home on leave from the Air Force at that time. He had every shot ever thought of and you’d think he had the bubonic plague. He really had it bad. My wife and I caught covid and we only had the original shot and one booster and it was nothing more than a bad cold for us. And hospitals were intentional inflating the number of covid patients to get more government hand out money. There was one case where a man was killed in a motorcycle accident and yet the hospital said he died of covid. And Jake should be careful who he calls a “yank.” Southerners find that word very offensive.

  3. Relax, everyone. The Marines arrested the real Letitia James about a month and a half ago. She is at Gitmo. The thing you see is NOT the real Letitia. But there it (she) is making you believe she is real. What ever it is, it may be a clone. Nevertheless, it deserves to also be hanged at Gitmo or Guam. I do think that we citizens should start getting lawyers and suing all these stupid idiots trying to take Trump down, when Pelosi really did commit treason and was executed for it Dec. 26. 2022 and Biden commits treason after treason (he’s dead, too, buried at Arlington Cemetary) but no one goes after them or others that did the same. WE need to take them all to court. No one else is.

  4. We are going to keep putting up with halfwit Biden supporters and their logic of how he “won” the election in 2020. We know what went down and in time it will be shown that it was rigged. Come on now Biden sitting in his basement no campaigning and he blows it out of the water? Common sense should play a huge part in this election but it falls on deaf ears. Biden sat back because he was told it’s in the bag, everything was handled so he didn’t sweat it. Obama had all the arrangements complete and everything was done. All jackass Biden had to do was show up for finale. Piece of cake!! The leftist party has tried everything to sidetrack voters and they succeeded with some but most of us aren’t gullible to fall for the lies. These are the same people (who believe them) only watch the liberal channels like MSNBC and Morning Joe, CNN is another one. Instead why aren’t they widening their thoughts on all channels to make sure they have all the information instead of listening to one side. The left does manipulate to control their narrative.


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