The liberal left can’t win an election without cheating and by removing President Trump from the ballots it’s a sure win for them. This is ludicrous, it’s insane, unacceptable for them to get away with this. The left is desperate and they are scared to death of President Trump because he will clean up the mess Biden and his administration created. President Trump will put our country back together and better than ever! Biden is and always has been a narcissist who will continue if he ever gets the chance destroy our country completely. Biden should be impeached and he should have charges against him for treason. Biden has made so many people suffer, he should burn in hell.
This is ludicrous, it’s insane, unacceptable for trump to get away with this telling people to storm the capital, ask for one more vote than he needs, come up with a fake electors scheme, should I go one,, I hope trump burns in hell for his bullshit, damn sure not be elected president again !
poor Jason. Jason wants to be a democrat but everyone hates biden and his whole administration. everyone hates the corruption the dmeocrats have brought to the legal system. everyone hates the democrats economy, border, attacks on Jews, Afghanistan disaster, the racism, and restrictions om which cars, appliances, and furnaces we can buy.
In short everyone is tired of the dictatorial Nazi Democrats.
But Jason really wants to be a democrat. So he says they both need to go.
No Jason, they don’t both need to go. only your democrats need to go and most of them need to go to prison.
AMEN to that. While you’re at it, put Joe, the Schmo Biden in jail for treason. Put his brat son, behind bars for contempt of Congress and treason for his money-making schemes with Red China.
Under President Trump. The UNITED STATES were better off.
There was no threats from Russia or China they didnt dare ,Because they knew TRUMPS is not weak. The oil and gas industries were EXPORTING! We were living well. AND THE PANDEMIC was handled the best we could. Trump did as best he could under his advisers OPERATIONS WARP SPEED got the vaccine and protection we needed. TRUMP 2024 and 4 MORE.
You guys are foolish if you follow and support Trump. He’s racist with his polices toward people of color. He should have never been in the White House. His family tainted it.
Elizabeth why don;t you run off and chase down some Jews and beat them senseless then drag them behind a car. that is what you democrats stand for. you love beating and murdering Jews.
Go get you four mrna boosters you’re are behind on and get you’re VAX passport updated.
Go find a corrupt soros judge, prosecutor and DA to put some Jews and conservative in prison.
I bet The Biden staff woudl let you help write another threatening and racist script for the teleprompter!
Have the FBI do some more attacks on parents at school board meeting and create another fake insurrection.
maybe is would be easiest for a lazy fool like you to simply sign up to help do the voter fraud at and election site. It has been a mainstay of democrats for 100 years.
I bet hunter and joe will share their white house cocaine with you.
maybe you can get in on planning some bizarre Easter tap dance and gay porn movie for the white house ester celebration.
Maybe they will let you collect little girls for joey and pay the prostitutes for hunter.
Well lets face it with your skill base you are going to end up changing joeys diapers so he doesn’t crap one the pope chair again.
On the other hand if you are white and not gay you probably would not get hired for any job in this administration.
Elizabeth you are not capable of honesty and your cognitive skills are zero.
You’re the racist! As usual entitled, elitist, Commie Democrats ( and yeah, that includes you Rino pieces of crap ) accuse us of doing exactly what you (and they) are doing and have done. You’re all traitors and should be treated as such….after years and years of trial after trial for every frickin’ charge a prosecutor can dig up while you’re sitting in a dungeon rioting for years without council, charges, evidence or a trial date. Yeah! F’ YOU!
as soon as democrats started saying: ” trump will destroy democracy” you knew the the dmeocrats were destroying democracy and they knew it.
Further Elizabeth you think you are more intelligent the 50% of american who support trump and 79% of american who think the dmeocrats are taking american in the wrong directions. I h ave worked all over the world and one think that has been a constant is rural people are more intelligent then city people. there are very few “liberals” in rural areas. there are live and let live people in rural areas, but liberal are fascists in most countries. fascists like you Elizabeth.
That just makes you arrogant and stupid. You need to start thinking more then talking Elizabeth.
People such as Elizabeth Jones, read or hear 1/2 of what Trump says and make the pronouncement that he is a racist but if they are forced to listen to the whole of what he says in context they end up saying “well, maybe not”. They typically don’t have the attention span to listen to a whole sentence because they are too busy figuring out what THEY want to say or be offended by.
Now we see just how stupid everyone is. The far left democrats are trying to say who you can vote for. As you can see the far left democrats are all laughing about how great this is to stop Trump. As you can see, your vote is no longer a free vote. And still these corrupt democrats are making all the rules yall live by. Yall losing every freedom ya had and ya don’t care. This is how stupid yall become. Sheep lead to the butcher shop willingly. The news won’t show you the truth of this new corruption, hell their part of it. Just remember, when the country is lost, yall did nothing to help save it. And now yall are part of the problem instead of the solution.
AND,don’t forget his drug use and his lying on pistol permit form, to stat with. Elizabeth, that’s his brat son, with the lying and drug abuse. We don’t know about “daddy Joe”. although I have heard that he is being doped up daily so he can function on a minimal front . Would really like to know the complete truth there.
The Colorado supreme court just proved that the democrats and soros paid judges are the people destroying democracy.
well really democracy is never the right term to the extend they are trying to destroy our right to vote for whoever we want based on a made up pelosi/schiff/fbi created for TV capital break in followed by a DC police allowed capital tourist event.
Anyway, anytime you hear the democrats use the phrase “destroying democracy” from now on you know they are talking about themselves.
This realization is going to push more people to vote for trump. it is also goign to push more people away from the democrats for ever. The dmeocrats are proving their corruption has no limits.
Again, the elitist, stupid,, commie Democrats and their Rinos fellow travelers accuse you of exactly what they are doing.
“Destroying our Democracy”? Yeah you can only vote for who THEY say can run.
“Trump participated in the J6 INSURRECTION!” Found guilty in WHAT TRIAL?
We the people need to put all democrats and George Soros in prison for treason against the us and the U.S. constitution that our military and for fathers fought for. Wake up people! Biden is only in it for himself’ not the American people. Trump is the only president who cares for the American people and our country. Trump 2024.
The bad part is before they at least tride to hide it some they just say we are to stupid to know what we want..who we want. They say this is the way it is.and if you don’t go along with the democrats you go to jail or worst..they have a big problem now.. them yes.. the democrats have made trump unstoppable there is is only one thing they can do now..and everyone knows what that is…and how many people have they done this to in prison right now..from Jan 6..the people know what’s happening,they know the American people have taken off the blinders…this administration is crooked,the whole administration, you see first they have to lie and cover up everything from 2020…which has brought us to where we are now..with all the lies, and all the miss deeds..this administration has done..that’s why The FBI, the AG’s, the hand picked prosecutor’s the hand picked committee’s from Jan 6….the lies are not working now..
The media can’t cover up what’s happening anymore…the bottom line is democrats don’t care anymore what you know..if we don’t Vote right we are doomed.
Is there any doubt left in anyone’s mind about just how much voter fraud the democrats have been engaged in for years? the level of obvious in your face corruption, lying, and fraud the democrats are in engaged in is staggering.
The truth is there are no honest leftists. every single person who supports, thinks, or votes leftist should be deported to the sahara desert to become desert fertilizer.
The liberal left can’t win an election without cheating and by removing President Trump from the ballots it’s a sure win for them. This is ludicrous, it’s insane, unacceptable for them to get away with this. The left is desperate and they are scared to death of President Trump because he will clean up the mess Biden and his administration created. President Trump will put our country back together and better than ever! Biden is and always has been a narcissist who will continue if he ever gets the chance destroy our country completely. Biden should be impeached and he should have charges against him for treason. Biden has made so many people suffer, he should burn in hell.
as soon as democrats started saying: ” trump will destroy democracy” you knew the the dmeocrats were destroying democracy and they knew it.
This is ludicrous, it’s insane, unacceptable for trump to get away with this telling people to storm the capital, ask for one more vote than he needs, come up with a fake electors scheme, should I go one,, I hope trump burns in hell for his bullshit, damn sure not be elected president again !
Are you people blind or just stupid.
Both these guys need to go we need new blood.
Wake up!!!
The left already took that title
poor Jason. Jason wants to be a democrat but everyone hates biden and his whole administration. everyone hates the corruption the dmeocrats have brought to the legal system. everyone hates the democrats economy, border, attacks on Jews, Afghanistan disaster, the racism, and restrictions om which cars, appliances, and furnaces we can buy.
In short everyone is tired of the dictatorial Nazi Democrats.
But Jason really wants to be a democrat. So he says they both need to go.
No Jason, they don’t both need to go. only your democrats need to go and most of them need to go to prison.
AMEN to that. While you’re at it, put Joe, the Schmo Biden in jail for treason. Put his brat son, behind bars for contempt of Congress and treason for his money-making schemes with Red China.
We got new blood and a new direction from Barack Hussain Obama. The Muslim manchurian candidate. How’d that work out for you?
as soon as democrats started saying: ” trump will destroy democracy” you knew the the dmeocrats were destroying democracy and they knew it.
Under President Trump. The UNITED STATES were better off.
There was no threats from Russia or China they didnt dare ,Because they knew TRUMPS is not weak. The oil and gas industries were EXPORTING! We were living well. AND THE PANDEMIC was handled the best we could. Trump did as best he could under his advisers OPERATIONS WARP SPEED got the vaccine and protection we needed. TRUMP 2024 and 4 MORE.
You guys are foolish if you follow and support Trump. He’s racist with his polices toward people of color. He should have never been in the White House. His family tainted it.
And you’re an idiot. We hope your children weren’t passed that gene.
Oh and the cocaine didn’t
Elizabeth why don;t you run off and chase down some Jews and beat them senseless then drag them behind a car. that is what you democrats stand for. you love beating and murdering Jews.
Go get you four mrna boosters you’re are behind on and get you’re VAX passport updated.
Go find a corrupt soros judge, prosecutor and DA to put some Jews and conservative in prison.
I bet The Biden staff woudl let you help write another threatening and racist script for the teleprompter!
Have the FBI do some more attacks on parents at school board meeting and create another fake insurrection.
maybe is would be easiest for a lazy fool like you to simply sign up to help do the voter fraud at and election site. It has been a mainstay of democrats for 100 years.
I bet hunter and joe will share their white house cocaine with you.
maybe you can get in on planning some bizarre Easter tap dance and gay porn movie for the white house ester celebration.
Maybe they will let you collect little girls for joey and pay the prostitutes for hunter.
Well lets face it with your skill base you are going to end up changing joeys diapers so he doesn’t crap one the pope chair again.
On the other hand if you are white and not gay you probably would not get hired for any job in this administration.
Elizabeth you are not capable of honesty and your cognitive skills are zero.
How is treating everyone equal racist. Dembutcrap talking points
You must be an idiot, Trump has more people of color working for him than any others. People like you are what’s wrong with our country.
You’re the racist! As usual entitled, elitist, Commie Democrats ( and yeah, that includes you Rino pieces of crap ) accuse us of doing exactly what you (and they) are doing and have done. You’re all traitors and should be treated as such….after years and years of trial after trial for every frickin’ charge a prosecutor can dig up while you’re sitting in a dungeon rioting for years without council, charges, evidence or a trial date. Yeah! F’ YOU!
Just Democrats and their toady RINOs need to go,
as soon as democrats started saying: ” trump will destroy democracy” you knew the the dmeocrats were destroying democracy and they knew it.
Further Elizabeth you think you are more intelligent the 50% of american who support trump and 79% of american who think the dmeocrats are taking american in the wrong directions. I h ave worked all over the world and one think that has been a constant is rural people are more intelligent then city people. there are very few “liberals” in rural areas. there are live and let live people in rural areas, but liberal are fascists in most countries. fascists like you Elizabeth.
That just makes you arrogant and stupid. You need to start thinking more then talking Elizabeth.
People such as Elizabeth Jones, read or hear 1/2 of what Trump says and make the pronouncement that he is a racist but if they are forced to listen to the whole of what he says in context they end up saying “well, maybe not”. They typically don’t have the attention span to listen to a whole sentence because they are too busy figuring out what THEY want to say or be offended by.
as soon as democrats started saying: ” trump will destroy democracy” you knew the the dmeocrats were destroying democracy and they knew it.
????CHRISTrump with all of our His/his US Trumplican Lawmakers Win our US 2024 Election overwhelmingly Election Landslide
Amen & Amen????
Now we see just how stupid everyone is. The far left democrats are trying to say who you can vote for. As you can see the far left democrats are all laughing about how great this is to stop Trump. As you can see, your vote is no longer a free vote. And still these corrupt democrats are making all the rules yall live by. Yall losing every freedom ya had and ya don’t care. This is how stupid yall become. Sheep lead to the butcher shop willingly. The news won’t show you the truth of this new corruption, hell their part of it. Just remember, when the country is lost, yall did nothing to help save it. And now yall are part of the problem instead of the solution.
as soon as democrats started saying: ” trump will destroy democracy” you knew the the dmeocrats were destroying democracy and they knew it.
I pray every day that we can get rid of all them Demorats and we get someone , I prefer Trump to get our country back again. TRUMP FOR 2024.
AND,don’t forget his drug use and his lying on pistol permit form, to stat with. Elizabeth, that’s his brat son, with the lying and drug abuse. We don’t know about “daddy Joe”. although I have heard that he is being doped up daily so he can function on a minimal front . Would really like to know the complete truth there.
The Colorado supreme court just proved that the democrats and soros paid judges are the people destroying democracy.
well really democracy is never the right term to the extend they are trying to destroy our right to vote for whoever we want based on a made up pelosi/schiff/fbi created for TV capital break in followed by a DC police allowed capital tourist event.
Anyway, anytime you hear the democrats use the phrase “destroying democracy” from now on you know they are talking about themselves.
This realization is going to push more people to vote for trump. it is also goign to push more people away from the democrats for ever. The dmeocrats are proving their corruption has no limits.
Again, the elitist, stupid,, commie Democrats and their Rinos fellow travelers accuse you of exactly what they are doing.
“Destroying our Democracy”? Yeah you can only vote for who THEY say can run.
“Trump participated in the J6 INSURRECTION!” Found guilty in WHAT TRIAL?
We the people need to put all democrats and George Soros in prison for treason against the us and the U.S. constitution that our military and for fathers fought for. Wake up people! Biden is only in it for himself’ not the American people. Trump is the only president who cares for the American people and our country. Trump 2024.
as soon as democrats started saying: ” trump will destroy democracy” you knew the the dmeocrats were destroying democracy and they knew it.
everyone hates Jason but that’s the price of fame
Everyone is going to say WTF When this “movie ” is over..
The bad part is before they at least tride to hide it some they just say we are to stupid to know what we want..who we want. They say this is the way it is.and if you don’t go along with the democrats you go to jail or worst..they have a big problem now.. them yes.. the democrats have made trump unstoppable there is is only one thing they can do now..and everyone knows what that is…and how many people have they done this to in prison right now..from Jan 6..the people know what’s happening,they know the American people have taken off the blinders…this administration is crooked,the whole administration, you see first they have to lie and cover up everything from 2020…which has brought us to where we are now..with all the lies, and all the miss deeds..this administration has done..that’s why The FBI, the AG’s, the hand picked prosecutor’s the hand picked committee’s from Jan 6….the lies are not working now..
The media can’t cover up what’s happening anymore…the bottom line is democrats don’t care anymore what you know..if we don’t Vote right we are doomed.
as soon as democrats started saying: ” trump will destroy democracy” you knew the the dmeocrats were destroying democracy and they knew it.
Is there any doubt left in anyone’s mind about just how much voter fraud the democrats have been engaged in for years? the level of obvious in your face corruption, lying, and fraud the democrats are in engaged in is staggering.
The truth is there are no honest leftists. every single person who supports, thinks, or votes leftist should be deported to the sahara desert to become desert fertilizer.