Obama Advisor Issues MUST-SEE Warning On Trump’s Supreme Court Case!



God protect Trump. ❤️

The more they bash Trump the more we support his presidency


    • Isabel please be specific. what are those Transgressions?

      did trump fund the illegal covid gain of function research? no, that was obama/biden in 2013 and they had fauci as program manager. in 2016 they moved in under a military black bio weapons program to hide it from the republicans. Do you view that an a transgression Isabel? Do you?

      Biden intentionally stopped us oil production to raise the price of energy. this caused world wide inflation and massive increases in the use of wood and coal as energy sources throughout the world. all while biden and his administration were investing in EV’s and solar cell companies. as they watched their investment drop of the last 9 months biden when to the international climate summit and pledge to shut down all coal electricity plants in the USA to help turn his investments around. Is that a transgression Isabel? Well Isabel is it?

      Biden completely screwed up the afghanistan withdrawn killed Americans and later thousands of afghan lives. Is that a transgression?

      Biden gave massive raises to federal employees this month to offset the 18% inflation he has caused in the cost of living. is that a transgression? everyone else did not get 20% raised and fixed income people are suffering mightily Isabel. So Isabel. please explain why you think trump had Transgressions that even come close to the transgressions the dmeocrats have done?

  1. Isabel, maybe you & some of the other folks can get some common sense & see the evil in front of you with joe burden regime. Unless you just like someone telling you how to live & if so go to california or NY, let us know how that works for ya, us trump people like living our lives without dictators. TRUMP 2024

  2. I use to think trump was arrogant and awkward, but them obama, clinton and biden are just as arrogant and lie far more then trump does.

    Now, after years of democrat corrupt attacks on trump, i will voter for trump no matter what the situation is. Further I hope he get the senate and house to be republican and goes bat shit crazy attacking and imprisoning democrats.

    It is not that I love trump. I just really hate what the democrats have done.


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