Bill Maher Makes Guest Go Silent by Explaining the Real Reason Voters Want Trump



Wow. Only letting people who are alive, United States Citizens and alive vote is so evil.

How do you give Adam Schiff the time of day ,He is one of the reasons people vote for Trump .


  1. When bill maher is the most logical person in the room and the person that is lying the least you have a room full of corruption.

    though I will admit that one guy did say biden was no spring chicken. I guess that is the closest to the truth about biden they can get.

  2. Let me be perfectly clear about this; republicans do want people to vote, they only want them to show a legal ID. They also want them to vote in the area where they live, & be alive when they vote. A legal ID is required to get on an airplane, to drive a car & a variety of other things. This is NOT a difficult thing to accomplish. If the lips of a democrat politician (or enabler) are moving, they are most likely lying. One of the democrat machine’s main tactics, is to try to scare people into giving them what they want (absolute power & control over your lives); & they do this by LYING to the American people. WAKE UP AMERICA.

    • Are you kidding me ??? Trump wants to be a dictator and republicans want to put him in power !!! Do you stupid idiots know the definition of dictator ??? He will be the one to control everything we do or say —- and you are worried about president Biden ??? What a joke !!! You people had better wake up cause if trump gets in office we will be living in Russia !!!

  3. Democracy is on the line, says Schiff. Do something to stop all the illegal immigration that is sucking the life out of our resources. Except for the very wealthy, the rest of us bear the burden for this terrible decision which apparently is planned. So is there an end in the foreseeable future or will this continue indefinitely? I’d like to know. Thank you.


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