What Is Wrong With E. Jean Carroll?



That story is absolutely disgusting. This is why I’m very concerned about the 2024 election. Everyone keeps saying it’s in the bag. Baloney! The Democrats always find something.

This is absolutely ludicrous


  1. She is obsessed with money. She saw an episode on Law & Order about a woman being raped at the same store she claims at which she claims she was raped. I guess she just thought why not go for it. What do I have to lose. Apparently our justice system is so flawed that she can get away with it.

    • She didn’t ask for the 80 million. A jury of Trump’s peers felt that to stop him from slander he had to pay a decent sum. And you are not aware that she is giving the money to a support group that consists of at least 17 other women that have sued Trump for the SAME action. HE was tried and found guiltyof being a sexual pervert, addict and as judge said, ‘under law a rapist’. I guess you’d like Trump to grab you by the genitals too as he said he loves to do> Wouldn’t bother you. Right

      • Phil stop listening to bull. Are you are Tara Reid said Bden raped her and HE called her a liar shld he not be paying out 80 million to her? This woman is a nut. She boasts about sexual exploits that would shame a prostitute. She is a liar, doesnt remember where or when it happed, no evidence, just all suspect.

      • I suppose you think New York Democrats are Trump’s peers?

        Jesus Himself couldn’t get a fair trial in NYC.

        You’re so full of it they should use you as landfill.

    • Absolutely true Amber and Phil is an indoctrinated idiot who uses the fake justice system of liberals rather than true law just like the border crisis. Rose and Virginia…you’re right too.

    • The lavatory on an airplane is MUCH MUCH smaller than the dressing room at Bloomie’s. And I’m sure you know of someone who made the MILE HIGH CLUB. 2 sq feet of Donnie pushing against her and liftiing her skirt and putting his fingers in her va jay jay. He even bragged about it to the world. “I can grab women by the Pssy and they love it”
      Donnie said that and was proud of it. Even in his deposition he said he does it. Wake up. The man is a proven sex addict and rapist.

      • Evidently, you know what is like to rape aa woman/man. SO, how many women did you rape, you sexual pervert! You were not even there to know what the truth of it all is or was. Back then, all departments had more than one salesperson in every department. There would have been noises coming out of the changing room. They would have been heard. On top of that the statute of limitations ended after two years of any incident. That trial should not have happened. E Jean Carroll belongs in a mental institution along with you, you rat! Use your damned head! THINK!

  2. E. Jean Carroll is a lying piece of trash and she was paid to lie about trump.

    When you can not remember where, when, and how you were raped and you have no physical evidence you were not raped.

  3. She’s giddy with surprise that she got away with her scam ( or I should say scams because she sued trump twice, the second time because people laughed at her). She’s just another lefty liar, a prop in the never ending play called let’s keep trump busy with fake lawsuits. Does her story sound a little like the lady who accused Kavanaugh with sexual molestation but couldn’t remember when, where, or any other details. The democrats forgot to prep her in case she was asked any questions, just like E. J. Carroll. That fashion store was very upscale and has security guards at the ladies dressing room area. The security says there is zero possibility that Trump could get in that dressing room. ZERO POSSIBILITY!!! Judge and DA are buddies. Shocker!!!

    Trump will appeal and he’ll win!

    • did you go to school? DJT BRAGGED about what he does to the WORLD. Or weren’t you aware of his TAPE. “When you are me and I can grab a woman by the Pssy and they love it. When you are famous like me I can stick my tongue in a woman that I don’t know”
      I guess you forgot that he commited adultery with his first and second wife and also bragged about it. He said’ I have a great wife and a great mistress”. He loved to screw his friend’s wives. Where have you been these past 50 years?

      • Maybe we should investigate YOU, Phil De Luca. Remote viewing can prove everything. You may find yourself in court, too. Remote viewing can prove if E Jean Carroll has lied. Rest be sured, Phil, YOU are NOT perfect! When would you like us to start that investigation?

      • Hey Phil De Luca, You never had a guys filthy talk in the locker room or a guys night out? Yeah right. You are this sanctimonious jackass defending this money hungry, lying bitch Carroll who CLAIMS President Trump raped her. PLEASE it’s all in her dreams. Most men have those kinds of talks, it’s just talk nothing more. When women get together and have a few drinks we get pretty raunchy too, so what! just talk nothing more. If a person can’t remember the most crucial detail of a crime they are not likely to be telling the truth, it’s a made up story….. In other words A LIE!!!!

  4. She is as crazy as the rest of the DemocRATic party. This trial was a setup from the very start, another DemocRATic miscarriage of justice.
    these judges in New York Should all be BARED.

  5. The liberal left paid this bitch to lie and say she was raped by President Trump. She is a complete nut job looking for attention by getting her name and face in the news and trying to get big bucks. The judge hates President Trump as well so it’s all about the liberals trying to destroy him with another scheme to discredit him. Bunch of jackass liars.

  6. I Know both Trump and E Jean Carroll. I belonged to the United States Hispanic American Chamber of Commerce, and E Jean Carroll was always a fixture there. I didn’t like her then and I despise her that much more now. She made this entire debacle of lies about Trump She wanted to get her 2 minutes on television and fame and this too will boomerang right back to her just like all of the others that tried and failed to lie about being raped by Donald Trump.. IT NEVER HAPPENED! Donald Trump is a very decent man, he didn’t even take a salary from the government while he was president. I pray to the lord that he gets back in office again. Our country was never so safe as it was while he was in the Oval Office. Our country is in a deep decline and who knows if we will ever get out from under because Hidin Biden is so compromised that he does forsake the American people for the Big Money that he and his entire corrupt syndicate family has and continues to get millions and billions from our adversaries around the world. Disgusting!!

  7. IT is so sad that we are trying to defend/disparage people without any contact with them personally. We need to be more decent and discreet about making false judgments on others, we need to look at ourselves and think twice before making judgments. I PRAY TO GOD THE FATHER, THE SON AND THE HOLY SPIRIT THAT WE will learn to be kind and save whatever anger you have for others. We have stopped to be good Christians and love to show hate with one another. I SAY MY HUMBLE PRAYERS FOR OTHERS so that we can live in harmony and peace. May God and HIS DOMINIONS forgive our transgressions and bless us.


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