Actor Idris Elba Proves Why We Can’t Compromise A Single Inch On The Second Amendment



I’m absolutely baffled by people being scared of knives in the UK, We must stand United Together to push back against these anti gun advocates

Banning knives is the absolute pinnacle of human stupidity. This is unmatched in the history of government overreach. Don’t those people understand that their government hates them?


  1. Idris Elba is a great man, not afraid to speak his mind. He is so right, the globalists hate the masses, they only love power.

    Biden and his team of Marxists hate the threat TRUMP represents, since he represents the American Masses feed up with our corrupt US. Gov

    MAGA 2024

    The masses are a threat to

  2. Yup we need to outlaw baseball and cricket bats. The majority of murders are committed with blunt objects.

    We need to ban all weed eaters. Lawn mower blades must be banned.

    Large rocks must be broken up. If the police come on your property and you have any big rocks you will be arrested while they bring in a rock breaking company to crush you big rocks.

    Lets be honest all leftists (formerly liberals) are stupid people.

    In the end we are back to be cave people where the biggest person beats to death all the smaller or older people. I suppose then we will have to ban bigger people.

  3. My mum was British, but I was born and raised in the US. I knew the UK had banned most firearms, but I was shocked when I took my daughter to the UK in 2016 to learn that my ordinary pocket knife (which I have carried daily in the US since I was a Cub Scout!) was a serious CRIME in the UK.

    Why? Not because of its size (3 inch blade), nor because it is some kind of “tactical” or “assault” knife . . . but BECAUSE IT IS SAFE!!! It has a locking blade, so it won’t accidentally fold closed on my fingers when I’m using it, for crying out loud!

    THAT’S how far the knife paranoia has gone in the UK! Technically, even a BUTTER KNIFE is illegal to carry in public in the UK. They are only legal for household use.

    Even more disturbing is the fact that most of the hundreds of Brits we met on our 6-week tour were OKAY with these knife bans, even though street gangs are murdering thousands of Brits with contraband knives and creating “No-go Zones” where even the police are afraid to go!

    That’s the insidious nature of these pro-crime, anti-freedom laws being imposed by the “salami method.” You can’t possibly force a whole salami down someone’s throat, but you can gradually feed them the whole salami one thin slice at a time.

  4. Once a man in sandals took a stand, alone, against oppressive tyranny; when he threw the Mammon’s off the Temple steps.

    Now over 2000 years have passed and we are still faced with the same Evil.

    Do we cower or stand United; for the sake of our Children and our Children’s Children, that they may have the chance at a far better life than bequeathed US?

    What say Yee?


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