Tucker Carlson will be PUNISHED for Putin interview



I won’t vote for any democrat anymore

The Supreme Court should rule 9-0 in favor of the constitution and let Trump on the ballots.


  1. Tucker is right over the target. The enemy is in a panic.
    Putin has been the Left’s whooping boy since the 2016 election
    This will lead back to Hillary & Obama just to name 2

  2. If Russia is our enemy, then why did Clinton and Mueller sell OUR uranium to them????? Thats the definition of TREASON!!!!

  3. Because they’re CROOKS !!! And the whole WORLD knows this. Time to HANG both of these IDIOTS!!!! And on LIVE TV for everyone to see. I’ll provide the rope.

  4. Who died & made them god? What gives them the right to decide anything in our lives. Trump had it right get away from the UN & WEF, stop giving them money, attention, better yet lets sanction them. Ill never ever trust a single word coming from any demoncrap, polotician or civilian.

  5. President Trump doesn’t and didn’t mince words when he told the citizens of this country what would happen if the liberal left got elected. They are power hungry and money motivated criminals who want to control our country to the point of collapse. Our lives will never be our own because they will be in power to control our lives our families lives. One World Order means everyone will be controlled by the government, they will be our decision makers, our bankers. They will tell us when we can go somewhere, where we can go and they will control how much of our money we spend. We will have restrictions like we have never seen before. This country will no longer be the USA, it’ll be worse than a third world country. Biden hopefully will be dead soon, and I do mean soon. It can’t happen soon enough. Some of these other liberal politicians should be not long for this earth either. Such a disgrace to our beautiful country. President Trump 2024!!!!

  6. New York sounds like a true communist. I want your money to pay my bills. Why do you think why they want digital money. They want our money to pay their bills and control us. Remember they said we will own nothing and be happy.

  7. Once again we are seeing the corruption of the democrats on full display.

    Putin is a lot more coherent and reasonable sounding the biden, schumer, pelosi, harris, and schiff put together.

  8. I have never liked Nancy! She should have been prosecuted for ripping the state of the union address documents from Trump’s speech! Those pages were official documents! And she was so blatant with her hypocrisy to just rip them up on live nationwide television, pure evidence of her wrongdoings she should’ve been prosecuted to the full extent of the law for doing that! I could go on and on about all the crap that she has done and said. You know as well as I do she is an evil person and should not be holding any kind of office of the United States. It’s time for her to go and like you said, get out of politics go home and be an old grandma to your grandchildren.


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