E. Jean Carroll Acts Like A Fraud As Trump Prepares Appeal



There should be painful consequences for abusing the judicial system. ITS OUR TAXPAYER MONEY down the drain.

I hope she gets nothing and has to pay Trump’s legal fees, just like in the Stormy Daniels case.


  1. I do not understand how this STUPID LYING carroll bi**h won anything!!
    The dress she was wearing when she CLAIMED President Trump sexually assaulted her wasn’t even made yet!! That right there proves that this bi**h was looking for a big payday, I hope the appeal will be won and President TRUMP and this carroll bi**h will be put in prison for this egregious fact!! ANOTHER PART OF THE LYING COMMIES, biden, ONE SIDED UN-JUSTICE SYSTEM!!

    • Unfortunately you don’t really understand what transpired that day. The reason Trump got hit with a massive fine to pay her is he couldn’t keep his mouth shut! I have no doubt he is guilty and deserves what he got!

      • Well if he really did it, she ought to be crazy about him. She said on a television show how sexy she thought rape was. Any woman who truly had been raped would never say a thing like that.

      • Mary, what about the first amendment? Did she produce financial records to show a dramatic decrease in income after Trump’s remarks. I don’y think so. That trial was a sham.

      • If this really happened why didn’t she report it right away. she has accused a lot of other men of the same thing. she’s a liar.

  2. I think she is delusional she will go to bed with any man who looks at her cross-eyed come on now can you really see Donald Trump in a department store I can’t she’s a liar she can’t remember when it happened only where if I was raped I don’t think I would ever forget that day I think I would remember right down to the freaking last minute he stuck his dick in me. But her lawyers said they could prove Trump raped her cuz she still had the skirt that she wore that day why didn’t they produce it cuz they both lied because Donald Trump did not rape her and it would prove he didn’t she is a phony and the judge sitting on the bench is also a phony he needs to be removed and all these left-wing corrupt judges need to be removed and their license need to be taken away from them they need to be disbarred from ever being a lawyer or judge again

    • You mentioned the skirt she wore when he raped her in the dressing room. Do they claim his semon was spilled on the skirt or dress? If so the judge was negligent by not requiring they produce it and do a DNA comparison.

  3. Was Trump ever in that store and are there men’s dressing rooms separate from women’s dressing rooms? Usually they are clear across the store from each other or are the men’s and women’s clothing on separate floors?

  4. I don’t think most women that are rape victims act the way she is. If this happened In a department store why didn’t they hear screaming or anything from her. She is a liar and she didn’t say anything to anyone for at least 20 years. Why didn’t she file any charges against him when it happened? She seems way too happy and thrilled she got money from him. This was another set up from the Socialist Democrats to get Trump. I hope she doesn’t receive one red Penny from him. I do hope she goes out and spends a lot of money and then ends up bankrupt. God ultimately will get the revenge on her.

  5. just a ugly lying gold digger who wants to live a life she CANNOT afford
    and says rape is sexy
    sick tell that to someone who really got raped
    or watch law and order
    and her books are NOT selling like she wanted

  6. The Judge that Trump had is very Corrupt he wouldn’t let evidence be shown and wouldn’t let him speak to defend himself. Corruption and Lies is a way of life for Democrats.


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