She accidently admitted the TRUTH about



If Trump is guilty, then so is every property tax assessor in America. There is zero difference with what they do in valuing real estate.

When the GOVERNOR says, that Trump’s business is “different” from others, this will be overturned.


  1. That’s because they haven’t a clue about what the truth is. They have lied, cheated and backstabbed so much the truth occasionally slips out. You have to wonder.

  2. Gee all those leftist/democrat trolls who insist the charges against trump are real and that these are not political attacks just got proven wrong by the governor of new York.

    Every trial of trump in new York needs to be over turned and every DA, Prosecutor, and judge involved disbarred. any one who advocates for the city or state of new York is now aiding and abetting a crime.

    The governor of new york just proved that there is no democrat runs state that will give a fair trial to a conservative.

    That means the trials of trump and the Jan 6th people all need to be closed down and the prosecutors and judges put in prison. they all knwo they are participating in corrupt and illegal acts.

    This is why no one can vote for a democrat ever again. they are completely corrupt.

  3. That would be true for home owners as well as Trump. I understand that Pres. Biden paid 3000000 in cash for his summer residence.

  4. The Nazi/ DEMORATS ARE OUT OF CONTROL. The demise of America really went into full on racist, WOKE EVIL UNDER FAKE AMERICAN OBAMA PUT INTO OFFICE BY CRIMINALLY INSANE G. Nazi SOROS THE MAN IS A MINSTER AND NEEDS TO BE STOPPED. Trump earned and worked hard for everything he has, where Clinton’s, Biden cartel family, Obama’s never worked a true day in their evil corrupt lives they all stole millions from We thaw hard working Tax payers. ENOUGH TRUMP IS INNOCENT Every individual INVOLVED IN this WITCH HUNTS NEEDS TO BE COURT MARSHALED AND TRIED FOR TREASON AGAINST WE THE AMERICAN CITIZENS. GOD BLESS AMERICA AND GOD BLESS TRUMP

  5. Phuc NY state and city. IF you don’t like going hungry; start eating each other. it will be just like Stalin’s dictatorial communism.

    You slimy MY scum like dictatorial communism so you will love going cannibal on each other.

    I hope the trucker shut down your access to everything. Need toilet paper? use your hands.

    All democrats are evil, NY people are the worst and Engoron is and extreme worst.


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