Fani Willis just got the WORST NEWS of her career…



I think she is doing a wonderful job rooting out corruption in her office…it is becoming clear to everyone how much corruption is there…all thanks to her fine work ethics.

As a Democrat ever been punished for anything ???


  1. Common sense would dictate that both Fani Willis and Nathan Wade have been having an affair, using TaxPayer funds to travel. Then they lied about everything on more then one occasion. The case against Donald Trump wasn’t brought by Fani Willis, it was brought by the Biden Administration she was just the pawn Prosecutor the Biden Administration KNEW was corrupt enough to bring the baseless case forward.
    The Judically System has become Tyrannical, it’s clear to see the corruption. The only way to change the perception of a Tyrannical System is to disqualify Fani Willis and Nathan Wade to start. They should both be disbarred for lying under oath and for their affair. They should be required to repay the $650,000 TaxPayer funds and given a minimum of a 7-10 year Federal Prison term. That’s how justice would work if they were Conservative Republicans.

  2. The whole case is a smear on the judicial system. The judge is as bad as Willis, placed to destroy president Trump. He had made a decision prior to the case even being presented. Engoron needs to be removed, And disbarred, along with Willis,and Wade. This corruption, has infiltrated every fiber of the Constitution of the United States of America, that’s designed to “Protect our rights” to due process. President Trump’s rights to free speech, present witnesses, to defend himself, have been unjustly removed. AMERICAN’S need to realize, if this can happen to a former “President of the United States of America” what can they do to “You”? Never before in the history of the United States of America, has there been such evil deception , by the leaders “We The People” rely on to protect us⁉️????????

  3. Once again here’s more corruption of black democrats acting out for their white masters. The money must be really good that they sell their souls to the white masters. But wait till the sh#t hits the fan and their standing right in front of it. Guess who’s going to take the blame for all the corruption. Not the white masters hiding in the far left Communist democrat party, but the black slaves working for the masters. It’s the same old story told over and over again through history. The big guy never take a hit, just the small frys working for them. And the big guys just starts up in another place. It never ends.

  4. For Fani Willis the title DA isn’t for District Attorney, the DA stands for Delusional Amateur, or Deceitful Asshole. I hope she gets disbarred and serves time along with her man toy Naty Wade.

  5. IT is so nauseating to read the very unkind words for others without knowing the whole truth about others. We have gone down to be the most inhumane people in our planet. We are easy to condemn others without dipping into the whole truth. WE do not even take time to think about ourselves on how others perceive us with the most unkind labels that we can put on others. WE have demonstrated so much hatred that it is so refreshing if we read a good word that we can say to others. The common thread in most of the comments are a reflection of so much anger towards others. Can we be a little kinder to others? Whatever symptoms of hatred that comes out is a very good sign that we ourselves are very unhappy people. Would anyone among us desires to be called assholes? MAJORITY OF THE comments are a reflection of who we are, not peace loving but dominated by evil. We are so demonized by so many around us and we love criticizing others. Some of us may not have been gone to better schools hence the language that we express ourselves are the language of street people. I AM 86 YEARS OLD, retired educator and it is so unnerving that we can easily label others as assholes. LET US spend few minutes of our day to meditate on how we behave as humane Christians not always ready to make judgements that are not based on facts. MAY OUR GOOD LORD GIVE US THE WISDOM TO STAY CALM AND HUMANE NOT EASILY DEMONIZED BY OTHERS.


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