I Can’t Believe Her Response Regarding Joe Biden’s Cue Cards At The Border



She takes gaslighting very seriously and she has been very clear on this

She acts like she’s a teacher and everyone in the room are her students and she is always right!!! How dare you ask her questions!!! Talk about a waste of money paying her!!! A big shout out to FJB and his worthless administration!!!!


  1. Well there won’t be anything but blue if repubs don’t kick out the spineless repubs that won’t stand up and fight for freedom. Repubs across all the states where there was cheating and extended vote counting are the real cause of the vote not being corrected. They would not stand up and fight. PERIOD Every state, PA, WI, MI, NV, and AZ got the closest to standing up for freedom but ever there, there were challenges. We also have to get rid of vote by mail! Every state that converted eventually is dimocrat! And last we have to get out and be poll watchers. Poll watchers in huge numbers so we can’t be bullied by the dims!

  2. HERE we go again with blatant labels unfit for educated minds. I guess nobody in their right minds will ever vote for mental midgets! We seem to be led by the blind as we are also blind on others’ capabilities. We are so easy to judge others and we cannot even see our own weaknesses. This reminds me of one of my former male nursing students who was perceived by even his own siblings that he may not pass his state board exams. I told them that they might be wrong especially that he was a little older than his classmates. I did some simple coaching and his siblings requested me to be a little gentle because they were afraid that he will go into a mental block, so I did. When he told me that he was ready to plunge into taking the state board in NYC, I said ok, go ahead. To the surprise of his classmates and his siblings, he passed on his first attempt EVEN to the surprise of his former classmates who won honors when they were students and yet have to take the state boards twice or three times. What we lack with our spiritual lives are show of mercy, pray for others instead of criticizing and also fast from food, from critical comments and fast from unwarranted judgements on others. MAY I ask some of you, have you been a president of a small club, a school student body and or a councilman/councilwoman of a small borrough? I was a first dean of a college of nursing at an early age and my mother who was a teacher always reminded me to be humble, forgiving and slow to make judgments but always stand for your right. I have been harassed and insulted by some doctors who were arrogant before when I worked as a staff nurse. I continued to follow my mother’s advice and finally to be respected by my bosses as well as CEO’s. Thanks to my mother who was humble but well educated that I was AWARDED EXCELLENCE AWARD IN MY JOB, AWARDED BY THE NYS GOVERNOR FOR MY COMMUNITY WORK even my humble volunteer job was recognized by the archbishop of Washington DC. Life is too short to suffer bad feelings or harbor vengeance and harsh criticisms on others especially for the people we have never met in person, shake their hands or even interacted with them for few minutes to understand their policies in governing our country. MAY GOD forgive us for our transgressions and unkindness in calling names of people who have succeeded in governing any organization or more; our country. May the hardness of our hearts be softened by humble prayers that harmony will prevail within our family, community and country!

  3. KJP is quite possibly the most stupid person other than her boss in politics. You can always tell when she is lying as her eyes start fluttering like wings on a bird.

  4. It is no mystery: biden is a moron and would say something completely stupid without his clue cards and ear buds.

    We might as well have a robot for a president.

  5. Curly locks press secretary will move on from this job and join Jen Psaki as both of them are lying bitches from hell. Psaki has a book and claimed Biden didn’t check his watch as the coffins of 13 service members were being carried off of the plane. It was on film Biden looking at his watch like he had to be somewhere else. That bastard couldn’t even show the families of our military members respect or honor their sacrifices. Biden is a disgusting slob and I hope he suffers a horrible fate.


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