News Anchor GIVES UP mid air, throws talking points in the TRASH!!



Give AOC credit. Nothing that Trump is accused of is a crime. It is a category, not a crime.

If you’re a judge who makes rulings based on politics and not case law, you should be afraid.


  1. Dishonest–delusional Marxist Democrats in action. Get a life Nicole, go see a shrink .

    Your fake outrage makes me laugh.

  2. The Lord God Almighty Yahweh Elohim is on President Donald J. Trump’s side, and has blessed and favored him. My prayer is that if it be God’s will that Mr. Donald J. Trump will win the 2024
    presidential election inspite of all the demonic and satanic interference, and that he [President Donald J. Trump] will serve another four more years as the President of the United States of America, and that the Lord God Almighty Yahweh Elohim will use him [President Donald J. Trump mightily for America’ s good and for God’s glory. In all-powerful name of Jesus I pray. Amen, amen, and amen.

    • I have a contrastive prayer that God will soften Trump’s heart and his tendancy toward self and other destruction, while at the same time enabliing us to separate the weed from the shaft as Biden returns to office in 2924 to do the work of the Lord for ALL true Americans.

      • What a joke having dementia Joe in office, which we all know he is a puppet. America can’t stand another 4 years of Joe, there will be no America left. I guess going to socialism is alright for you but not for me. I can’t stand more inflation; my money is running out (I have a 50 yr. old living with me who has a job but can’t afford rent). I’m retired and worked my whole live for retirement and here comes dementia Joe taking it away. TRUMP,TRUMP, TRUMP.

  3. IT seems that every anti-Trump journalist that tries to smear Donald Trump to make all of the citizens turn against Trump only makes all of us love Tr4ump more. Let’s keep those journalists in their jobs for that reason only. However, none of those journalists realize they are breaking the law. The same goes for all the prosecutors, Judges, District Attorneys, Assistant District Attorneys, Attorneys Generals and any State Supreme Court Justices that rule against Trump. We are all under Martial Law. Most people do not know that. That means that only Military Tribunals are legal. That means all civil and federal courts are now illegal. They are all committing treason. The biggest reason they are all after Trump is they know they have committed treason, crimes against humanity, elder abuse, child abuse misprision of treason and more. They are all going to Guam shortly (some are already there) to pay for their crimes. They know Trump has the goods on them and they do not like it. I say, they should have learned how to think before opening up their mouths or doing the criminal things they did.

    • No! You do. For treason against the reinaugurated real President of the United States Republic and Commander in Chief. That was done on 1/20/21 by the Military with a 21-gun salute and full honors at the same time fake Joke Biden was given a 3-gun funeral salute because he was executed at Gitmo. I will send your name to JAG!

  4. These PAID LIARS just have to really work at getting better and better at lying! It actually becomes natural to them after a while! ALL LIARS will wind up in the “lake of fire”!


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