Trump Selects His RUNNING MATE – This Only Helps Him Win 2024



President Trump has to pick a VP that will take over for 8 years after him. MAGA

I live in Florida and I want DeSantis to stay in Florida. He is the best governor we have had in years.


  1. DeSantis needs to run AFTER 4 years when his term limits come. WE NEED this man in Florida to keep adding to the RED base and making good policy for the next 4.

      • You are actually blaming your Governor for higher insurance premiums? WTH why are you not blaming The Bidet for the inflation causing everything to be much higher. If a hurricane takes out your home who do you think is going to eat the increased cost of repairing or replacing your home and contents? It will not be The Bidet that’s for sure. You need to put things in perspective before you start dealing out blame. You should consider yourself lucky that you can still get insurance not like the people in Kalipornia who’s insurance companies are pulling back on renewing insurance coverage in some areas.

        • Because of the proof that Ron has taken the insurance industry’s lobbist money. See this article from The Guardian…”and DeSantis, who ran a successful re-election campaign last year, and Friends of Ron DeSantis, a political action committee that supported him, have taken a combined $3.9m in contributions from insurance industry players. If donations to the Republican party of Florida since 1 January 2019 – days before DeSantis assumed office – are added, this total swells to more than $9.9m.” ANY OTHER QUESTIONS?

          • And by the way Theicecube, you spoke too soon. All of that not being able to get insurance is coming all too soon to Florida.

          • Hey LAURA why don’t you go home and drink some more Kool Aid and then in November vot for your Dictator and TRAITOR. I know you don’t know what either mean but you can read right? So try a dictionary and learn something. Being a confirmed democrat I know you want most of the state to be ILLEGALS and law breakers. By the way. The major contributor to Joe is a confirmed traitor who turned against his own country and served HITLER. What you get with the democrats is just another HITLER and the loss of all your freedoms. Just my thought as a disabled veteran who served with pride and honor.Something democrats know nothing about.

          • Do you have a brain? Do you have any common sense? I have family living in Fla. because it is one of the best places to live. Wake up and stop drinking Kool Aid. You know fool well your brother Biden is to blame.

          • First of all, Biden has nothing to do with Ron DeSantis and what we were discussing. We were discussing Ron DeSantis who has done a lot for Florida that is good EXCEPT FOR HOMEOWNER’S INSURANCE. HE TOOK LOBBYISTS’ MONEY FROM THE INSURANCE INDUSTRY! You do not have to get personal in order to make a point, unless you are ignorant, which you do seem to be.

      • How can you blame the governor for home insurance rates? I’m sure the rates increase are due to natural disasters.

        • Florida has been having natural disasters since the beginning. Only now are our insurance rates doubling every few years.

        • Sure you can. The Insurance Commissioner parlays with the insurance companies. The commissioner falls under whoever is the current Governor. State government approves or disapproves rate hikes and the final signature goes to the governor for signing. But, make n mistake, the fed. is ALSO the problem. What’s interesting is Florida is currently having a housing bust, so insurance should be declining since it is based on valuation.

        • Don’t bother trying to educate an liberal lover of dictators and traitors. As the old saying goes ” You can’t fix stupid”. Laura falls under that.

        • This is such an uneducated snide comment. Insurance rates are based on underwriters not even Biden or DeSantis have much control over it. IF a company incurs great losses in a state then the insurance is more expensive.SIMPLE I just bought a home in Florida quit yer bitchen, Florida is 1/4 of where I come from. Democrat run Blue state.BTW Biden took 6.3 Million from a pac that is heavily supported by Insurance companies.They give college degrees in actuary science.

  2. I agree! Florida also has over 1.5 million illegal aliens living here. I have called the governor’s office to inquire to what he is doing about that. I don’t see our law enforcement deporting any of them. If you travel from Orlando to key west it’s a different world only Spanish speakers.

  3. They best he could have as VP would be Marjorie Taylor Green, if she would agree. I would vote for her a president after Trumps last term.

  4. Republicans tired of the brain dead idiots that are running the country, VOTE instead of crying, bitching, and complaining.

  5. There are some countries that are Muslim or otherwise that do not allow women to do anything by bear their kids. Those women must be covered by a Burka so nothing shows but their eyes. Theyn do not think women are worth anything at all. How do you think a woman VP or President will manage with those countries. Those counties will not work with a woman, period. Kamala is really a man – or was until she was replaced just like Michael Obama. Think about it! A woman VP is wrong and I am a woman!

    • I love the truth you speak, not meeting a quote, just common sense. Please run for a local election, females are common sense smart, and able to think and speak well. YOU HAVE MY VOTE OF SUPPORT, blessing and happy trails to you!

  6. I believe DeSantis should run with Trump because he learns a lot more
    how to run a bigger operation with True and Rep.will have 8 more year s
    in control. Just hope the republicans get off 1st base and do some vary
    good deeds and rid the dumb ass things Biden signed in as laws or etc.

  7. I see Trumps point. Desantis is a hell bringer just like Trump. Bidumb has bankrupted and dictated our country into a 3rd world shit hole. The Dumbocrats are NOT giving us a choice. They are telling us how it is going to be. The Dumbocrats took oaths to support, protect and defend Our Constitution and they are totally disregarding it. They tied the hands of our police, they want our guns, no choice. Trump needs 4 years and Desantis needs 8 years. God help us do this right!!!! Screw Socialism!!!!

  8. my pick for potential VP: Marc Robinson. from NC. This ship called USA has been taken so far to the left, that I will need 2 very strong men with the right rudders to steer it back to the middle!!!!!These 2 men are not afraid of speaking the TRUTH and fighting for our country!!!!!!

    • I very much agree on this one, too, Elsa. He would make not only a good VP, he would make a great president as well. Mark Robinson is just as strong as President Trump, and they would make a great team. However, NC needs Mark Robinson to keep NC red because Joe and Obama are targeting NC to make it blue and that is a vital concern for a state that is in the center of the Bible belt. The elite are determined to destroy God and they are targeting the Christian states. God bless Mark Robinson, and I pray for his success and safety.

  9. Ben Carson, or Alan West. These men are great choices… and NOT by the color of their skin…. they are great Americans, great Christian men who both love Israel, both love God and His Son, who both love our United States of America, who both love freedom, liberty, and justice. Who both are honest, good sane men who would fight for our freedoms and our livelihoods, our homes, our land….and who would not make our government their mafia crime central and replace our God with paganism, and rob our citizens blind with schemes to hand us over to the enemy and take money for treason, who would secure our borders, deport those who invade us, and demand the balance of our budget and make a budget to end out of control over spending. Both have common sense, and Alan West is military who from experience he knows the urgency of a sound, strong, and well funded military. I urge President Trump to consider these two men.

  10. I HOPE EVERYBODY PRAYS FOR THE RIGHT PEOPLE TO GOVERN: PEOPLE ARE FULL OF HATRED AND SHOWS NO RESPECT FOR OTHERS! We have lost a lot of Christian values that is why we have no peace and harmony even among neighbors and family members.


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