Candace Owens Becomes Catholic – Is THIS Why People Are Turning To Christianity?



I saw a great quote under another video : "The devil never shows up with horns and a pitchfork … nah, he comes disguised as everything you ever wanted!" So true.

Religion shouldn't shield immorality. Many politicians involved in immoral dealings claim religious affiliation, but that doesn't excuse their actions.


  1. Dear Russell – you are confusing Catholicism with Christianity. They are polar opposites and are diametrically opposed to one another. The evils you spoke of can all be attributed to the papacy and the system of “infallible” popes and priests. The true and faithful followers of Jesus Christ and His Holy Word have nothing in common with the pompous and blasphemous popes and priests.

  2. Many do not believe in popes and priests do with other religious practices. I still practice my Catholic religion and stick to it until my life ends. There are some practices of different religions. but I RESPECT ANYBODY WHOSE RELIGION is different from the one I PRACTICE. There are crooked believers in any religion but it is not fair to generalize them just as in any family, there are two or three who are crooked. My mother attended holy mass everyday, but allowed a Muslim, a protestant minister to stay with them for few months when they needed a place to stay and she did not discriminate anybody because of their religious beliefs.When a Mormon requested me for prayers, I did and when my prayers were granted for their behalf, i did not convert her.

  3. Russell, Sharon is correct. There is a difference between following Jesus as Lord and Savior and any religion to include all the denominations in Christianity. Drop the religions and become a Christian, follower of Jesus. Many denominations in Christianity have enough to get one born again, but there is so much bickering between how one denomination sees it and the way another sees it. We need to be part of the body of Christ and not a member of a particular church which does not follow all of God’s word in context. Be a Christian and follow Christ…period.

  4. Russell made many good points in this article. The people that really upset me are the ones that talk the talk but do not walk the walk. If everyone would treat others the way that they wanted to be treated in return, this world would be a much better place. You can believe what you want about religion, but deep down, we all know what is right and wrong!


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