The black crowd turned their backs on him During WOKE SPEECH!!



"I don't want my children to grow up in a jungle, a racial jungle" – Joe Biden 1977.

Us black people are voting for trump.

This is bigger then race, its about America at this point. Us real Americans are losing everything to these clowns


  1. old joey is a shyster, con artist, liar,
    he’ll sell you ocean front property in Arizonia
    and some black and some white people don’t like the way trump talks- right to the point, too rough or rude well, we need it and not some wishy washy confused senile old man controlled by barry

  2. I would rather know the truth no matter how hard it was to hear then to be lied to and back stabbed. Biden has been lying his whole life, wasn’t corrected by his parents or any other authority so he kept it up and this is the result. He could have turned out to be a decent human being but he decided to be a conniving lying worthless piece of shit who is also a traitor to our country. Biden is a narcissist and an embarrassment to the people who didn’t vote for him and probably to some who did vote for him, seeing what kind of person he really showed to them his true character. Some black folks will still stand behind him for whatever reason but there are black Americans that are fed up and see Biden for what he is. They are sick and tired of being used and are only recognized when it is election time. Biden is a disease to our country and the people, time to cure the disease and stop it now. Racism was always a part of our history but it wasn’t nearly as bad as when Obama took office. He stirred it up big time and it’s running rampant now. Obama could have been a great president but he chose to be a bastard instead. Greed and corruption is their agenda and they are all in it for the profit. Take them out of our government and use the law to punish each and every one of them.


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