Biden Campaign IMPLODES As Aides GET EXILED For PANICKING Over LOSING & Anti-Trump Strategy FAILING!



Who here is sick of the antiwhitism?



  1. I’m not worried about Obiden stuttering and mumbling, I’m worried about our economy, our borders, our energy independence and our Constitution.
    Is this guy insane? Just plain lies. We can call Obiden a pedofile and proven predator. Trump could be in prison and we’ll still vote for him.

  2. Totally agree with you, JJ. Our country is falling apart, thanks to failing policies of liberal Democrats, and all they can think of is “Trump is bad”?!? Give me a break! Trump’s policies WORKED, for this country!!! We need him back, kangaroo court conviction, or not! And that whole trial was nothing more than a Democratic Party showpiece: with a biased judge, jury, and prosecutor, over a worthless charge–meant to do nothing but help the Democrats win. Gee, if you can’t fix the country, and if you can’t do anything right, maybe you can use a rigged trial to try to destroy the competition, right? It is Biden, Bragg, Merchan, James, Willis, etc–who should GO TO JAIL!!! Our national debt is out of control (thanks to Dem overspending), homelessness and migrants out of control, only low-paying jobs everywhere, inflation out of control, EV’s are a piece of sh*t, green energy is a lie, military is weakening, crime waves all over, dei is garbage, and do is esg–and all these guys worry about is Trump–not their own failed policies and actions!

  3. Bidumb is brain dead and so are the democRATS that still can’t or won’t see that, can all his backers be that ignorant, stupid or blind?

  4. We all know about Trumps “FAKE Convicted Fellon charges”. So FAKE, it’s not an issue at all! I don’t think very many people are dumb enough to believe any of it.

  5. I originally decided not to watch the debate. I changed my mind because I want to see the fake Biden in action. I firmly believe the Democrats will have a “stand in” Biden for the debate who will wear the Biden body face mask. Dem’s will school the stand in on everything that is asked by CNN because the Democrats will have behind the scenes access to all the questions. I want to see the man playing Biden for a difference in voice quality and body actions. That will be a BIG tell that the Democrats are doing a “bait and switch” to make us believe that is the same man. May the Dem’s spend life in prison!

  6. The Democrat Cabal behind Joe Biden represent a faction that does NOT want to lose their sunk costs and structure in place. IN SPITE of the fact that their programs have been so bad they CANNOT POSSIBLY WIN IN A FAIR ELECTION. Its the Monkey trap, where a hole is drilled in a coconut barely bigger than a gibbons fist. Fill it with rice or nuts, the monkey reach’s into the hole making a fist around the food, and will try to run away dragging the coconut, getting caught because they won’t let go.

  7. Reading all the comments have a thread of hatred towards our current or past leaders. WE hope that we all will be enlightened by the HOLY SPIRIT on the right choice of our leaders. IT IS easy to observe and make hypercritical comments because we have not tried to lead a country or even a small group of people even with the same ideologies. I DO NOT WONDER why we have many broken families and young people going astray as we have adults/parents who have not set a good role model for our growing young population. We have lost our Christian values more with humane ones hence we have young adults who have become killers of their own parents, relatives and friends. INJUSTICE ARE MORE PREVALENT than real justice because we adults have shown so much apathy towards our fellow men. We have lost the meaning of the love of neighbors as we love ourselves. WE make analogies of monkeys with decent adults that is why maybe our young ones have not learned to distinguish between adult thinking versus the young, corrupted ones due how the adults in their families view others. WE need to implore the graces of the HOLY SPIRIT WHO MAY enlighten us with bad attitude towards others more so with our leaders. I WONDER if some of you guys who are hypercritical are leaders of a community or company. Time to examine our conscience. As BISHOP SHEEN HAS SAID, OUR JUSTICE is eroded and injustice is prevailing. More prayers to invoke from our Creator on how to act in a Christian manner!

  8. The Bribden administration gets done they still will be held accountable for the 2020 election and the really dirty politics that the democrat party has been involved in the last 12 years. When you play dirty it always comes back to haunt you. People in 4 months we will be asked to make a decision as to whether we want to continue this great country or turn our country out to outside forces “PROGRESSIVES” I am tired of the misconstrued commercial regarding abortion. The only change that happened was instead of the Federal Government being involved, the Feds turned the law back to the states. Womens health care hasn’t changed, they still are getting their abortions, so what is the issue? The real issue is being an adult and keeping your legs crossed, responsibility, in all other cases “rape” nothing has changed.

  9. A COUNTRY BECOMES disastrous because of the citizens who are so hypercritical without sound facts to base their inappropriate comments. We are good judges on others and yet cannot judge our own behaviors. We lost our Christian values to the point that our young generation have learned hatred as a common attitude to be reckoned with. LET US CHECK FIRST on how we view others and do some fact checks if we are behaving like humane, Christian and law abiding citizens. IT is so unbecoming for so called adults to call people with inappropriate descriptions or titles. What comes out from our ideas shows who we are, acting like mobs.


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