Black Man Calls Police on White Man For the Dumbest Reason



This fool listens to gunshots every night and doesn’t call the police.

That black guy will
NEVER go work in anyone’s neighborhood.


      • every Amerikan city has a Gaza strip, money & recourses go in, only HATE comes out. Once again, “we” (taxpayers) are subsidizing places where we can’t (or have the sense not to) go. Defund the unGREATful SOCIETY and the Gestapo

    • I agree and mostly they cause it themselves. Just imagine the reverse, if that guy would have been a Black cutting the lawn and a white guy would have called the Police on him. This would have been a big scandal in the press of racism.

  1. These two black conservative commentators are funny as hell; I love the way that they lampoon this black guy’s obvious racism, toward this white do-gooder, who is performing essentially charitable work, in this black guy’s neighborhood. One question for that black racist, with his pants falling down: if you have no problem living right across the street from that abandoned wrevk of a property, why don’t YOU GO over there, and clean it up YOURSELF, huh?!? I mean, I’d be abhorred if I had to live right across the street from that, but living like trash, across the street from trash, is ok for you, huh? And you must be doubly offended, if a white guy comes around to help clean up your piece-of-sh*t neighborhood, because he is doing something that you were too lazy or incompetent or afraid or complacent or high on drugs or whatever, to do yourself, huh?!? That must really be OFFENSIVE to you, huh, to find out that white people can actually be nice and helpful and caring and do good, etc–because you are so used to living like sh*t, with sh*t–in your neighborhood, huh? Meanwhile, I’ve experienced my own forms of racism from black bus drivers, and black neighborhood watch people at bus stops, towards me, as an old white man. I try to treat everybody equally, regardless of color, but I’ve experienced black racism towards white people, first hand, especially during this Democratic Party-created pandemic, here in this mostly blue state of NJ. And, nowadays, it is not about race, but about conservative versus liberal policies and actions. Many good, respectable, conservative blacks, like these two commentators, are swinging towards the conservative Republicans, like Donald J.–and so am I, a former lifetime Dem voter, who switched in 2009–and never went back.


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