Joe Biden gets a brutal REALITY CHECK!!!!



When Joe Scarborough said about Biden, “This is the best he has ever been”, he was right. TRUMP 24!

33% thought Potato Joe won the debate?
These people are in need of a cognitive test.


  1. Do not ride bicycles and forget to put your feet down, do not stumble while walking up stairs. Make sure to engage your brain before making lengthy sentences. Be good little democrats.

  2. Of the 33% that thought Dementia Joe won the debate, 15% have extreme TDS, 10% were seen picking magic mushrooms off of cow patties and 8% are enriched directly from the Obiden administration. Joe Scarborough needs a dictionary, to find out what cogent really means. Obviously, he isn’t.

  3. Where have these ‘surprised’ idiots been for the past four years? Nothing but lies from the demoncrats. Stuart should take a long walk, off a short pier.
    These libturds have no plan for fixing all of the problems they created. It doesn’t matter who they pull out of the Cracker Jack box to replace our Vegetable in Chief. Nobody on the left, has a clue to solve the issues. Trump does.

  4. Ah JJ, you nailed it my friend. Since Biden is way too stubborn to step aside voluntarily, it falls to his cabinet to invoke the 25th…but unfortunately there is no majority in the cabinet with the intestinal fortitude to do what is right for Joe, for the party, and most importantly the country.

  5. I have been following some posts of mostly the same pseudo names and surmised that these people are obsessed with their hatred for people they may not have worked for/with or even interacted with the same people personally or observed them personally on how they interact with others. The common thread shows so much hatred hence they use foul language to support their allegations.The same pseudo names appear frequently and are very hypercritical of others and no sign of any Christian value of fairness or even simple sign of appropriateness. I AM SURE every time these people print their hypercritical comments their blood vessels constricts, hope they will not develop hypertension and suffer a stroke. HOPE these people are younger and I PRAY that hopefully will learn a lesson when they might become lawmakers or hold positions in the government as representatives or senators if they have their brain cells working to earn degrees like law, education or any kind of graduate studies that may help them earn a good position. I also can surmise that they have so much luxurious time to indulge in writing posts that sometimes lack the finesse to prove that they have an educated mind or a mind filled with humane values. Sad to say that we are infiltrated with people who cannot even appreciate a single asset of any person that they see or hear. LET US PRAY TO THE HOLY SPIRIT FOR ENLIGHTENMENT THAT WE WILL NOT CONSUME OUR TIME POSTING HATEFUL COMMENTS and help us sleep well without fear of dying suddenly and may lose time to pray to save our souls from eternal damnation.


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