BREAKING! Stunning New Details in Trump Assassination Plot Exposed | Redacted w Clayton Morris



What’s even more concerning is where are the witnesses?!. The guy with red hair on tv & the local cop that stepped up to speak out publicly & are they in a safe place far away from the FBI

I guess Blackrock doesn’t want Trump to get the US & Nato out of Ukraine.


    • Alex, quite watching the world thru rose colored glasses. As a former law officer, having dealt with SS advanced groups once in my career, it doesn’t plain just happen that way. People were intentionally misplaced during this operation, Trump was allowed to take the stage with full knowledge they had a suspect inside of the perimeter. He should have never taken the stage until the assets had acquired the target. Now we find out that 20-year-old nobody, has 3 offshore bank accounts. WHY??? Is he one that was getting paid by Iran to carry out this deed? Iran has HAD A CONTRACT ON DJT, SINCE HE TOOK THE Kolami TERRORIST OUT. SO WHY WOULD THIS PUNK HAVE OFFSHORE ACCOUNTS? WHO PAID HIM? What was his motive as it appears that he has had all of his social media accounts wiped. Was it a government hit? Why is zero information being offered by the director. I believe they tried to eliminate the political opponent and like Oswald the Crooks kid was their patsy, so think about it just a little bit and open your eyes. It is real and it happened. Also, if Trump had been had off of the stage the Firefighter and two others, would still be alive and unwounded. There was just to many situations that happened in that field that are not to security policy and the director seems to know nothing, which is a big part of this administration.


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