Judge Jeanine: The plot against President Biden just got real



ZOMBIDEN! Worst puppet show ever!

Whitmer is a joke, Kamala a joke. And yes Jessica a joke.


  1. Jessica said that 65% of the American public wanted Trump to step down. Anything she said after that should be considered equally meaningless. Throwing away your credibility early in your speech is not a good idea.

  2. How does Jessica sit there and listen to all the things said about Biden, even though they are true, you’d think she would defend him more. Unless it’s like an act, pretending to be all for him. lol

  3. Not sure who she’s asking that question. Sure as hell isn’t the main public. Must be just the democrats she’s asking if Trump should step down. Now Biden is another story.

  4. We are in chaos because I GUESS we have forgotten about the commandment love thy neighbor. We label people unjustly and yet we do not like it to be done unto us. It is about time to change our behavior. NO WONDER OUR YOUNG people are acting like pagans who do not believe that there is a God watching our thoughts, actions and words. Many claim to be Christians and believe that God exists. HOW CAN WE BELIEVE GOD if we cannot see and yet cannot love our neighbor we see every day? Some pefer as the sermon goes, pray by themselves at the beach because God is there and also on the mountain tops because they are closer to heaven and yet do not pray with the community.WE cannot evangelize by being a loner. Thanks any way for all the posts because it show that we have lost our love for our family members and neighbors most of all. We demean poor people and admire the rich, however we have to remember that when we die we only are eaten by the worms and left by ourselves and nobody cares anymore. Wish every one a blessed Saturday and Sunday! Wish God blesses us good attitude.

  5. The demonrats created this monster, they should have to live with it! Bouncing Biden now makes them look like the backstabbers they are, Obama had Biden “ installed” so he could further the Obama agenda. Now he is panicking! They should have to live with the mistake they made. Take the loss they created, and stfu.


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