Woman BREAKS DOWN IN TEARS DEMANDING Answers From Kamala On Illegal Immigrants Getting Free Money!



Dear democrats
The higher you go
The hardest you fall
Trump 24

Felt bad for her until she said “no loan cuz I’m black”. She’ll vote for Kamala anyways.


  1. I keep hearing g people pitching about this type of stuff yet every election they keep voting the same people into office. I got tired of it and I turned the spigot off to Catholic Charities. No money to them until I see a change.

  2. I have been waiting for those who have had their hands out for 70 years to say something in light of the trillions spent on Illegals. Glad to see they finally took note of how much they didn’t get and won’t.

  3. I think they should get money from churches, charities and relatives instead, but I’m a conservative who does not support a lying corrupt POS like Trump. Trump is a loser. Women aren’t necessarily voting FOR Harris. They are voting AGAINST Trump and Vance because they are derogatory towards women with their actions and words. Trump has 5 kids with 3 wives that he has cheated on, wants to take away women’s rights to their bodies, likes to grab pussies and bang porn stars, etc. Vance says women with cats or no children should not be allowed to vote. Can you blame women for voting against such turds?

    • You have been brainwashed about Trump. Be honest with yourself, heck out how much better the country was running and how much lower prices were for food, rent, gas, etc. during Trump’s presidency. He is not a politician, doesn’t need the money, and has withstood all the hate thrown at him because he wants to help this country recover. The old “pluck out your eye to spite your face” comes to mind in your attitude.

      • Exactly ! Biden showered with his 12 year old daughter. There is a picture going around of Kamala with Epstein so in true fact Kamala isn’t any better than Trump. I’m still voting for Trump/Vance because Harris/Waltz want a communist, and socialist America. Trump will save us from that. Trump 2024

    • Did you lose your brain or are you just plane stid. Your Camale is the one who got her advances from lying on her back and kneeling. Let’s not forget Clinton who had oral sex with an aid in the white house and then said it was not sex. If true then why is it in every porn movie ever made and why is it called oral SEX? Then we have the democrat potus who had an affair with a movie actress. Both cases where democrats. Live in a glass house don’t throw stones. Your attitude is ” right for me but not for thee”.

  4. How stupid can people be if they think Trump or Biden could tell companies what they to charge for their products. Are all MAGAts that brainwashed, or just the ones that got scammed by Trump University? Trump is going to lose because he thinks he knows everything, so he won’t listen to expert advice.

  5. Trump was just a joke anyway. The lunatic has lost his mind. Time to flush the orange turd. Donald Trump ‘s allies fear he has sabotaged his presidential campaign by ‘choosing to lose’ and allege he may be suffering from PTSD after his assassination attempt. Campaign insiders claim the GOP nominee has been in a ‘self-destructive spiral’ since Joe Biden dropped out of the race and is blatantly ignoring advice from his advisers. His campaign advisers have reportedly encouraged him to stop ‘counterproductive’ name calling and instead launch policy attacks against rival Kamala Harris , but he has ‘rejected’ their advice, saying: ‘I know what I’m doing.

  6. And you know that how? Every post you have mads just shows what a severe case of TDS you are suffering with. Try reading something other than MSM. You might get an education. Take your lies and trash elsewhere.

  7. Get off the drugs and face facts. Trump has always been a total loser. Why do you think the majority of Americans flushed the incompetent orange turd after one term? If the Dems could dump their senile old man, then Republicans should be smart enough to dump their senile old loser before the election. Remember last election? Any decent candidate could have beaten Biden, but Trump is hopeless.

    • Every week there’s a new event proving that the election was NOT fair. And, logically speaking, how could it have been? The whole process was set in force before the voting ever began. Why else did Sleepy Joe not bother to get out and campaign? He knew it was a done deal. I believe that you honestly think what you’re saying is true, but at some point you need to face this realistically. The first thing that Obama did in office was begin finding dirt on everyone there (which is not exactly a challenging process.) After that, it became one big blackmail scheme after another. It’s still going on. If you believe that Operation Snow Globe was about unused confetti from Hilliary’s election night party, you’ve got LOTS of digging to do.”Any decent candidate could have…..” No. No candidate stood a chance. The strings had already been pulled, and Obama ran the operation well because he’s got dirt on everyone. They’re all afraid to tell him no. (And you might not want to interview for being his chef.) Truly, do you think Joe actually got thousands more votes than Obama did? That’s probably my biggest criticism of the scheme. He really overplayed the need for so many fake votes. I guess he wanted to make sure nothing hit a snag, and in doing so, he overplayed the numbers.

  8. Welcome to socialism. And as they say, socialism is great until those in charge of making everything equal for everyone run out of everybody else’s money. Now that you’ve been on the losing side of the stick, you see that it’s not fair at all. It never will be.

  9. Time to flush the orange turd. Women aren’t necessarily voting FOR Harris. They are voting AGAINST Trump and Vance because they are derogatory towards women with their actions and words. Trump has 5 kids with 3 wives that he has cheated on, wants to take away women’s rights to their bodies, likes to grab pussies and bang porn stars, etc. Vance says women with cats or no children should not be allowed to vote. Can you blame women for voting against such turds?


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