Walgreens Announces It’s SHUTTING-DOWN THOUSANDS of Stores, Customers Furious: ‘Inflation Broke Us’



HORRIBLE, get Trump back in office. Trump and Vance 2024.

Do you notice there’s no government employees losing their jobs or getting laid off


  1. NOW,,,does anyone NOT Believe Kamala Harris is out to destroy our country? If you really believe that’s she not! And you really Loved these past 3 1/2 years of her and Biden’s Failed Administration. Then you’re more silly than I thought you were! HARRIS IS NOT FOR AMERICA!

    • Get off the drugs and face facts. Trump has always been a total loser. Why do you think the majority of Americans flushed the incompetent orange turd after one term? If the Dems could dump their senile old man, then Republicans should be smart enough to dump their senile old loser before the election.

      • You can FACE THE FACTS every time you go to the store or gas station and CHECK OUT THE PRICES MORON!!….And inflation started when Biden shut down the Keystone XL pipeline and restricted oil drilling on federal lands.

        • What policy lies does Trump have this time? Remember his first campaign promises? Healthcare plan, balanced budget, Mexico wall money, infrastructure money, eliminate the deficit, eliminate ISIS, etc. All typical Trump bullshit. Trump was just a joke anyway. Now the lunatic has lost his mind. Time to flush the orange turd.

      • Trump lost the 2020 election because of mail in ballots. No one believes Joey got more votes than Obama. It’s unbelievable people voted for dementia Joey, while he hid in the basement. After 3 1/2yrs. the Demo. had to face it that Joey has dementia and get rid of him. Trump 1. no wars 2. no inflation 3. no riots, burning down cities and cause millions of dollars of damage 4. no 8 million illegals that cause crime, high taxes, taking our jobs, using our healthcare, diseases, using working people SS (which will leave you nothing in the future) but hey, that’s better than the orange man.

  2. This is what is happening everywhere because of Joe and Kamala. Like many other good companies many are shutting down because of inflation. This is what Kamala is doing and it will get much worse because the companies can not afford to stay in business. And the fake news is still building her up!

  3. The democrat machine hides the truth & lies about everything else. They only care about power, wealth & control for themselves; & don’t care about America or it’s citizens. This has never been more obvious than now. Barack Obama tried to weaken/destroy America;& was the worst president; until Joe Biden; & Kamala will be even worse (if elected). It’s well past time for American citizens to wake up, educate themselves about the issues, find out where their politicians stand on those issues & VOTE for those who love America; & will stand up for what is right. This means every legal citizen should register, educate themselves & VOTE.

  4. Trump humiliates himself by always sticking his foot in his mouth. He’s an embarrassment to America. It’s too bad that Trump turned out to be such a dumb useless POS. I voted for him in 2016 thinking he was a smart businessman. Then found out he’s had 6 bankruptcies and 20 failed businesses, and stiffs almost every contractor he’s worked with. I don’t care that he cheats on every wife, grabs pussies and bangs porn stars, but he proved in less than one term that he was totally clueless about economics, foreign affairs, science, geography, history, technology and running the country. Voters flushed him after that, and again in his failed Red Tsunami, and he is even worse now with his crazy rants and insults. What a total loser he turned out to be.

  5. Women aren’t necessarily voting FOR Harris. They are voting AGAINST Trump and Vance because they are derogatory towards women with their actions and words. Trump has 5 kids with 3 wives that he has cheated on, wants to take away women’s rights to their bodies, likes to grab pussies and bang porn stars, etc. Vance says women with cats or no children should not be allowed to vote. Can you blame women for voting against such turds?

    • Again, showing your ignorance. Suggest you get your facts straight before you post. The only one wanting to take away women’s rights is Harris with her transgender equality. Vance never stated women with cats or no children should not be allowed to vote. Geez…

  6. I don’t know why everyone is finding fault with the disgraceful people we have to vote for, because they are all a disgrace to the United States, these people have made us the laughing stock of the world. Nothing has change for these people it the same old game find fault with the other person so the other person can try and make themselves look better, neither one of them cares about the American people, what is wrong with the American people that they continue to except these loser in office.

    • Yes, It’s awfully tough to find anything good to say about Trump. He turned out to be a lying corrupt POS senile incompetent buffoon. At least the majority of Americans were smart enough to flush the orange turd after one term too many, and will do it again since he is worse now.

  7. Trump proved in less than one term that he was totally clueless about economics, foreign affairs, science, geography, religion, history, technology and running the country. That’s not mudslinging. Just facts.

  8. The fact is, liberal Democrap cities no longer prosecute for shoplifting. It’s not a crime if you shoplift less than $950. So, stores are losing money. No business stays in business to lose money, so they close. Then the idiots kvetch because they have nowhere to shop.


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