CBS Reporter Holds Back Tears as JD Vance ENDS Her Career LIVE on TV in SAVAGE Deportation Debate



Let’s for a moment visualize Tim Walz as VP. Now sit back and thank God for JD Vance.

We are not immigrants. We are the descendants of pioneers, settlers and explorers.


  1. gosh the leftist are Flipping idiots lets get their address and send the gangs to their homes work places flood them let them beat rape and loot them!!!!
    Since they think its ok to let it happen to all of us!

  2. What did they do to BLM and Antifa? Pigliosi and Mad Maxie Pad bailed them out of jail so they could go rape rob and burn again. I`m tired of the ignorance. Not one firearm was confiscated during the Jan 6th protest.

  3. No… JD Vance is using specious language to disregard the credible claim that the man he says was not vetted was actually radicalized here in the US. He simply uses a bullying speech pattern to avoid properly responding to a valid statement. And fools who are listening to him fail to recognize bullying when it’s right in front of their eyes. Your title for this episode… that her career ended due to this interview…. is another example of specious, inflammatory speech. You are taking a circumstance and bending it to your agenda to incite your followers. Honest reporting would be a more motivating way to create the influence you seek.

    • oh, Vance actually has press conferences and interviews unlike FJB and kamalaczar who never answered a question…oh, sorry, he likes ice cream…both should have been impeached for ignoring the laws and constitution of this country.

    • Don’t blame this on our great VP that served his country in our military before he ever went to college. Part of us 1%. And in that time we served, we learned you took a “full combat load of ammo” into the fray. These fake news reps haven’t figured that out”if you are going to start a knife fight, you better have a sword”. Many more of these idiots will go by the wayside as they promote stupid. Like Billy Joel said: WE DIDN’T START THE FIRE


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