As the old farmer said, “The greediest piglet always squeals loudest when removed from the teat”. Schumer is terrified that the source of money his party uses to buy votes and influence will be revealed and eliminated. Just wait and see.
It’s time this pathetic, sick, radical, liberal, lying, backstabbing, worthless, pos senator is investigated and arrested for threatening the SCJ and President Trump. Since he likes to whine all the time, let’s give this low-life, what he’s looking for, that is justice for all, by holding him accountable, since hidenbiden wouldn’t do it, we will. He caused pain, fear, and insecurity for all SCJ, for what he said on the capital steps.
SCHUMER, McConnell and so many more of these senior citizens who draw down huge senatorial salaries need to step down and let younger more stable people to run for office. The corruption levels in Washington DC are so high the stench is out of this world. Just give it up Chuck and take your pension back to NY.
As the old farmer said, “The greediest piglet always squeals loudest when removed from the teat”. Schumer is terrified that the source of money his party uses to buy votes and influence will be revealed and eliminated. Just wait and see.
It’s time this pathetic, sick, radical, liberal, lying, backstabbing, worthless, pos senator is investigated and arrested for threatening the SCJ and President Trump. Since he likes to whine all the time, let’s give this low-life, what he’s looking for, that is justice for all, by holding him accountable, since hidenbiden wouldn’t do it, we will. He caused pain, fear, and insecurity for all SCJ, for what he said on the capital steps.
Chuckies clone is breaking down.
Aw-somebody licked the red off Chick Shoe-Mers candy cane, so the little brat starts to cry.
Schuma could do with a heart attack right there on the podium, the godless freak is a flat hater of AMERICA, go to hell Schuma you nasty little fool
SCHUMER, McConnell and so many more of these senior citizens who draw down huge senatorial salaries need to step down and let younger more stable people to run for office. The corruption levels in Washington DC are so high the stench is out of this world. Just give it up Chuck and take your pension back to NY.
He must of went for a liquid lunch with Nancy Piglosi….HE WAS DRUNK!