Schumer is finished, he, like piglosi, are nothing but laughing stock, without a clue. The party is history, until they can figure out what they stand for, other than violence, abortion, transgenderism, illegals, and stupidity of most.
Democrats are finished unless they learn to connect with people and support what matters to them instead of promoting their agenda of open border, sanctuary city/state for illegals who have committed crime, and promoting LGBT. People are scared that if Democrats are in power, their daughters and granddaughters will be forced to share locker room with boys pretending to girls, and compete against them in sports.
The party of JFK Dems has been dead for a long, long time. This is the invasion of the body snatchers. Many don’t even resemble humans anymore with their appearances and mannerisms. The Dems ultimate goal is for One World Order.
Good comments above. I’ve just wondered what they have on Schumer, because you know he only folded to protect himself. Of course, he’s been stealing, but it is much bigger than his thefts.
It just shows ta go ya that Trump won the Presidency the last time around. The leadership that is left is brainless. All they can do is go after Trump. They have no direction, no ideas on how to better the problems they actually created. The Mafia has moved into Washington D.C. Starting in the 1920s they showed America how they could tax milk, butter, and eggs. They have shown us how to win elections. Everything Trump has proposed to do, they stand in the way.
Schumer is finished, he, like piglosi, are nothing but laughing stock, without a clue. The party is history, until they can figure out what they stand for, other than violence, abortion, transgenderism, illegals, and stupidity of most.
Democrats are finished unless they learn to connect with people and support what matters to them instead of promoting their agenda of open border, sanctuary city/state for illegals who have committed crime, and promoting LGBT. People are scared that if Democrats are in power, their daughters and granddaughters will be forced to share locker room with boys pretending to girls, and compete against them in sports.
The party of JFK Dems has been dead for a long, long time. This is the invasion of the body snatchers. Many don’t even resemble humans anymore with their appearances and mannerisms. The Dems ultimate goal is for One World Order.
Good comments above. I’ve just wondered what they have on Schumer, because you know he only folded to protect himself. Of course, he’s been stealing, but it is much bigger than his thefts.
It just shows ta go ya that Trump won the Presidency the last time around. The leadership that is left is brainless. All they can do is go after Trump. They have no direction, no ideas on how to better the problems they actually created. The Mafia has moved into Washington D.C. Starting in the 1920s they showed America how they could tax milk, butter, and eggs. They have shown us how to win elections. Everything Trump has proposed to do, they stand in the way.