when a torque converters fails it sends shrapnel thru the transmission destroying the oil pump. the rest is all down hill from there
GM 6 speed trans is a disaster
that heat shield raddle on the Silverado is the transmission. How do I know, The torque converter failed on my trans last June and now that rattle started. They said it was the left motor mount. Now the trans is being rebuilt under the warranty from the June replacement
when a torque converters fails it sends shrapnel thru the transmission destroying the oil pump. the rest is all down hill from there
GM 6 speed trans is a disaster
that heat shield raddle on the Silverado is the transmission. How do I know, The torque converter failed on my trans last June and now that rattle started. They said it was the left motor mount. Now the trans is being rebuilt under the warranty from the June replacement
High millage oil accelerates the destruction of a engine
change the oil as recommended with good quality oil
engines will last a long time