2024 BOLD Predictions: Election | War | Stock Market | Industry Disruptors | AI



To Patrick, his family and team. Thank you for your work and time! Very valuable content right here!

2024 is going to be a eye opener for a lot of people. Thanks for all you do at ponting out the truth!


  1. One must remember who caused all this BS to happen. And it wasn’t trump. Time to own up to the real causes of our fall from grace, and who caused it. How else can any fix this mess we now live in. Pointing a finger at any won’t fix a damn thing. The damage is done and now it’s time to fix it. Time for a change again. The last time we had that change, things were ran pretty good. Time to go back there again. What say you ???

  2. All democrats are corrupt, lying criminals.

    IF you are voting democrat your are a criminal because you are aiding ans abetting criminals.

  3. Bumbling Biden is not feared or respected by any country’s leader throughout the world, time to get a Repub back as President. The lying Dems have made things way worse for our citizens since Bar Husseins terms.

  4. Illinois is now trying to adopt universal mail in voting. Is this in response to Black Chicago residents now saying that they will vote Republican, over illegal immigrants and abuse by Democrats? I believe it is. Now the cheat by mail will allow Democrats to completely control Illinois. This means no gas cars, stoves, gun ownership, forced vaccines, forced indoctrination in all Illinois schools, lockdowns, taxpayers funding illegal immigrants over citizens. A homeless acquaintance of my brothers 3 year old daughter just died after being refused housing assistance in our small town. The family was told they were being refused due to 250 housing applications by illegal immigrants being their priority.

  5. No doubt the dummycrats are going to cheat again in 2024. Now we have an idea how it’s going to happen. I figured they’d lower the price of gas to $1.00 per gallon about 2 months before the election as a bribe to the voters then making it easier to steal the election with the imaginary 85 million votes for old shit filled pants Joe. One thing Trump did say in a recent town hall meeting, he was the reason for the stock market going up but stupid old senile poopypants Joe claims credit for it. I can see another real estate collapse this year because of dummycrat economics. This would finish any hopes for another shit smelling dummycrat for re-election in an honest election.

  6. Any honest logical person comprehends how our money was thrown away to promote liberal causes! Additionally I have to believe our significant debt is directly due to his belief he is smarter while trying to save his Liberal Desires and Socialist causes! We must hold him accountable he has promoted proxy wars and organized our Southern Border Disaster this allowing unknown aliens in our country without screening! These absurd action must be placed in his lap!


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