AOC Gets HUMILIATED By HUGE Trump Bronx Rally!



He literally went in the Democrats backyard and took over the sandbox. God bless America

Those “Clowns” are American voters & will vote you out.


  1. Cruella Hochel calls President Trump supporters “clowns” well I think of her as a jackass. Hochel only got voted in by a hair because Zelden had her sweating bullets. I think the Governor had the election rigged to her favor. Cortez was voted in office a second term and has made a lot of money in a short period of time has done nothing and expects she will get voted in again. These two do nothing to deserve what they are paid and it’s time for their exit. People of the Bronx need and deserve better than these idiots who only want to control the people of New York. The people see illegals everywhere getting funds to help them but the citizens who are born and raised here are suffering. No more!! President Trump will turn New York Red and other states that are blue Red because he wants to take the suffering away, bring back our country to its full potential, making the USA GREAT AGAIN!!!!

    • oh .. i love the name Cruella Hochel …so fitting .. she is a disgusting woman .. out with this witch .

      Trump 2024

  2. Come out come out wherever you are, the people of blue support the man of red in the backyard of the least like and the least intelligent person in Congress. I bet AOC has her days numbered. She needs to go back and do what she does best, be a bartender. She sure sucks as a congresswoman. He area is probably just as fed up with her as is the rest of Congress. her flame is flickering, which gives me hope that there are still rational people in New York.


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