“Assassinating Trump was the 3rd step in their plan” Roger Stone reveals deep state plot | Redacted



“They’re not after me , they’re after you. I’m just in the way.”

— Donald Trump

3 encrypted European accounts by a 20 year old? Yeah ok


  1. Roger Stone’s book on the assassination of JFK (with add’l comments relevant to the RFK assassination) is the best, most well reasoned, well researched book on the topic – and, of course, it comes to the same conclusion that was obvious to my 6th Grade self, when the assassination of the President was first announced over the school’s loudspeaker (i.e., LBJ was responsible, Stone just supports the assessment with lots and lots of facts I didn’t have at age 11). I also have NO doubt that he had fully and thoroughly assessed Trump’s relationship with the Deep State and knew, with particularity, what was planned for him if he persisted in challenging them. Nobody with even the most cursory experience with security matters could be anything but appalled by the joke which was the “protective measures” in place at the rally in Pennsylvania. It was so bad it screamed “inside job”. And don’t blame Kim Cheatle – she was deliberately hired for her incompetence. She, no less than Mr. Crooks, on the roof, was just a “cut-out”, a convenient scapegoat who could be blamed for the candidate’s death and the R’s are falling right into that trap, demanding her resignation. DO NOT DO THAT – keep her in place and on the hot seat, then see where and when she wiggles, because that’s where the real culprits are. Oh, and just a word of advice to her, she might want to look into some “personal security” services, you know, something better than what the Secret Service is offering its protectees.

  2. i saw a “selfie” video off the shooter phone, he lifted his glasses and said, “I hate Repulicans, I hate Trump, and you got the wrong guy”. Was he aware that he was going to die for his “cause”?? Not a doubt in my mind HE DID NOT ACT ALONE!!


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