Biden SHAKEN After Speech Interrupted By Pro-Palestinian Protesters!



Good thing the protestors repeated what they were saying so many times, it helped Biden figure out what canned response he needed to use!

That “four more years” chant was chilling. It sounded like a fascist chant to dismantle democracy for a new dictatorship.


  1. he is just scary … in a church , ranting like a lunatic … however protester should not be allowed to do this in a church or anywhere ,

  2. Either way the nut job biden let these people walk in the country. So let him deal with them. They cry for palestines now, but where were these idoits when the hamas were murdering women and children of Israel. I say pack these nut jobs up and ship them back home. Let them protest over there. Specially them queers for palestine. See how that work’s out for them all.

  3. Biden and the dmeocrats endorsed these Jew murderers and how the Jew murderers want the dmeocrats to support the murder more openly.

    This happens over and over with the Democrats. Democrats never think they just always go with anti normal. then it blows up in their faces.

  4. Poor, old Sloppy Joe. He’s not used to having a gaggle of rabid protesters lecturing him. He’s always had an audience of clapping seals to fluff him.

  5. Besides being a COWARD, for walking away from out Military, Citizens and Allies in Afghan., as the Commander in Chief; Biden is a hypocrite for being more concerned w/ his personal wealth than the failing Standard of Living- of our Citizens

    He is exactly the type of self centered egotistical lying greedy mammon’s that a man in sandals, threw off the Temple steps 2000 years ago, IMHO.

  6. It´s quite obvious that all these comments here against Biden are reconfirmation that Biden will be re-elected because the derelict attitudes from the Right never produced anything positive.


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