Bill Maher’s Audience Left Speechless: Ann Coulter Exposes the Startling Truth. #trump #billmaher She’s absolutely right…shes doesn’t have super powers…she has logic. The low information audience can laugh all they want- Anne was right!
they are all capitalists they just push Marxist ideology because their low IQ follows believe there is a secret method by which they gets all the things they want while staying home and watching tv.
The paychecks, bribes and payoffs tell you they are all capitalist.
That is funny. This guy Van Jones is a Marxist like Obama, a complete fraud making a million bucks ayr working for MSNBC.
The Progessives are simply not particularly intelligent
Not a serious dialogue until you look up the meaning of “Marxist”.
Even AOC is a capitalist.
they are all capitalists they just push Marxist ideology because their low IQ follows believe there is a secret method by which they gets all the things they want while staying home and watching tv.
The paychecks, bribes and payoffs tell you they are all capitalist.