Black CNN Anchor TRIGGERED After Dana White REFUSES To Condemn GOP DEI Attacks Against Kamala Harris



If Harris becomes president, the country is done.

Leftists: DEI is a good thing Also Leftists: Don’t call her a DEI candidate


  1. sloppy Joe Obiden has been a life long racist. Video proves that. She/it is a black hating socialist, that loves for all taxpayers to pay to commit a genocide against her people.(?) 13.3% of the population has been 34% of the abortions? I guess she/it is not a teacher, so she/it doesn’t know math or what a woman is either??? not a biologist…. DO NOT disgrace your race. I’ll take care of mine. Kumalot Harrass is NOT black. She is a half breed like barry boy obama. both are communist. both like men

  2. “Leftists: DEI is a good thing Also Leftists: Don’t call her a DEI candidate”

    THIS is why it’s so difficult to talk to or listen to those dimmercrap nitwits.

  3. the demorats pun intended.. will rig the elections. They will toss trump votes in the trash and stuff the ballot box with rigged ballots the demorats fill out them selves so then can win the elections by cheating and by stuffing the ballot boxes again.. the reason the democrats don’t want voter id at the elections sites is so they can have the same guys voting at the many districts on voting day.. there for Illegally voting many more time then legalally alound on election day..

  4. I FEEL so sad that we have become people with so much hatred. I SURMISE THAT we cannot stand ourselves too because we cannot stand others. MAY THE HOLY SPIRIT enlighten us and become more respectful and loving to others. We have forgotten the reminder: DO NOT DO UNTO OTHERS THAT YOU WISH NOT DONE UNTO YOU. I CAN say that our children have lost respect because the parents have not shown to be good role models.


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