Black Woman GOES OFF About Trump And Democrats!



I love this woman. She speaks Truth. Give this woman a microphone and help her tour the country preaching truth to all the masses. She’s amazing and a patriot.

Just saw a black Democrat woman on Fox saying for the first time she is voting republican


  1. This lady is 100% correct. I’ll vote for her! How many black babies have murdered through abortion. Now the Hispanics out number the blacks. Hiliary Clinton calls MARGRET SANGER HER HERO. Sanger started Planned Parenthood to kill black babies, to purge the “Inferior blacks,that is Hillary Clintons hero. LBJ has a video, you can Google saying after starting welfare and removing the men from families and I quote, well give them Nig&86s welfare eand they will vote for us for 200years. Robert Byrd the Speaker of the Senate was a Grand Wizard of the KKK or Years he was a Democrat, George wallace Gov of Arkansas would not let a little black girl goto white schools Democrat. Who got the right to bear arms and vote for blacks? The Republicans. wake up folks the Deomcrats are not your friend.Only in election years.

  2. At 78 I have watched politics in the US very closely. Blacks are used for their benefits (votes) by politicians; no matter which party. This lady is delusional when she believes for one second that Trump loves Black people. He only loves himself.

    • Yes at one time black entertainers and politicians and musicians love to be with Trump. There are photos of this and even Obama wanted to be like Trump. And with their arms around Trump. Songs with trumps name in them. But when Trump put that R beside this name it change overnight.

  3. Can someone Please Please Please send this video to Bob Costa. He’s such a stupid poisoned Democrat who’s part of the Problem not part of the Solution. This woman has more common sense then Bob ever will. He should be removed from Sports Casting ever again. He’s dumb as a stump. Bob you sicken any and everyone who can think on their own. Listen to this woman Bob she can teach you something, even as ignorant as you are. This video should be played at the RNC. God Bless her.

  4. I agree with the majority of what she said. She was very harsh when speaking about president Barack Obama. Yes, I believe it was planned to have him elected. The question is why. 1st black president. It was planned to make him look bad. The politicians prey on the black democrats because they are easily controlled.


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