Face it the democrats knew they would get a fix in this case just by the fact they controlled it all. Trump was guilty even befor the trial began cause of the democrats corruption and payed for judges. There was no way he could of ever won in ny courts. But still the voters will change that come November. Good luck democrats, your going t9 need it cause of your corruption.
LET us all pray for the right choice on who can govern our country. We have so many unpleasant, inappropriate and critical comments on our leaders without having been around congress to see or hear what has these leaders been doing and what laws they have implemented. WE are more inclined to listen to extreme critical comments printed by others. LET US use our good judgement and pray for the right choices of our leaders and maybe plan to run for an office if we are qualified.
alvin is a george soros puppet
Face it the democrats knew they would get a fix in this case just by the fact they controlled it all. Trump was guilty even befor the trial began cause of the democrats corruption and payed for judges. There was no way he could of ever won in ny courts. But still the voters will change that come November. Good luck democrats, your going t9 need it cause of your corruption.
LET us all pray for the right choice on who can govern our country. We have so many unpleasant, inappropriate and critical comments on our leaders without having been around congress to see or hear what has these leaders been doing and what laws they have implemented. WE are more inclined to listen to extreme critical comments printed by others. LET US use our good judgement and pray for the right choices of our leaders and maybe plan to run for an office if we are qualified.