CNN CHECKS Ana Navarro After SHE LOSES HER MIND ON AIR Over Republican Calling Out Joe Biden’s LIES!



As a Latino, we dont claim Anna!
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She had no problem with the “breathless reporting” on DT.. Typical ignorant hypocrite.


  1. When I lived in Maryland, My voting choice was, Democrat, Republican or Independent.
    When I first arrived in Massachusetts,MY choice was Democrat, Republican, Undecided
    Earlier this week, STILL in MA, It comes in, Democrat, Republician or Liberal. I am none of these!

  2. Biden has to go or stay in the race to give us Republicans more millions votes. Either way will work for us. Biden lies are insane and he really thinks people are buying on them.

  3. We have to be careful in making accuses about people without hard facts. MAY THE HOLY SPIRIT GUIDE us in our daily lives on how to show humility and patience with others.

  4. Biden is so use to having his failures covered up and now he has to face the music, well jackass your time has run out now either shit or get the hell off the pot!!! Biden has nothing to offer this country or to the people of this country. He has shown his true character by showing his ignorance and stupidity to everyone, including other countries that he has no guts or integrity whatsoever and the crazy part of it all is that he NEVER had guts or integrity to begin with!! Biden has skated for over 50 years!! I guess he has friends in low places to pull him along. He’s a disgrace and a lying traitor, coward and disgusting human being.

  5. So Navarro says that the doctor treating Xiden for Parkinsons was at the white house 20 times when Obama was president……and she said the doctor wasn’t there for Obama. So the doctor was there 20 times for Xiden as v.p. Navarro is one stupid cunt! Her arguments are the argument of a child.

  6. The View and the hags on the View should be cancelled and be fined for inciting violence towards President Trump and his supporters. These hags could support Biden all they want but to incite violence against the right wing party should be a crime and should have consequences.

  7. If Navarro is a conservative, I’m the Easter Bunny. She is totally clueless. To say that this administration hasn’t lied, is even a bigger lie. All this administration has done from day one is lie. But, that’s what demoncrats are best at doing.


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