Trump humiliates himself by always sticking his foot in his mouth. He’s an embarrassment to America. It’s too bad that Trump turned out to be such a dumb useless POS. I voted for him in 2016 thinking he was a smart businessman. Then found out he’s had 6 bankruptcies and 20 failed businesses, and stiffs almost every contractor he’s worked with. I don’t care that he cheats on every wife, grabs pussies and bangs porn stars, but he proved in less than one term that he was totally clueless about economics, foreign affairs, science, geography, history, technology and running the country. Voters flushed him after that, and again in his failed Red Tsunami, and he is even worse now with his crazy rants and insults. What a total loser he turned out to be.
That is F – – king insanity!!!! You are a nut case. Trump is the only person in this country that is qualified to lead this country!!! Listening to CNN that short period, not only gave me an instant headache due to the racist dude calling her out when she didn’t do a thing. Democrats love to fight with everyone and love to make everything racist!!! Get over it, no one living today was a slave and so many of them expect taxpayers to pay their way through life. It is all total bullshit!!!! Sick to death of it!!!
Brilliant people like YOU are exactly what the Dems are targeting. Weak, empty headed, Morons, that follow Kamala around like a Puppy just because the media tells you to. Kamala is the same LIAR that couldn’t get a SINGLE vote in 2020. NOTHING has changed !
The Dems deserve you, Good Riddens…
You are obviously delusional. Trump was the best president since Reagan. He made America strong, energy independant, our enemies feared us & our allies trusted us we were prosperous & had no wars. Get a grip on reality &stop getting drunk on democrat coolaid.
The lamestream fake news media, is so deep in the democrat’s pocket, that they always report what their democrat masters tell them to. They seem incapable of telling the truth. Anyone who believes their lies, is either deluded or stupid. Absolute truth always agrees with reality.
Get off the drugs and face facts. Trump has always been a total loser. Why do you think the majority of Americans flushed the incompetent orange turd after one term? If the Dems could dump their senile old man, then Republicans should be smart enough to dump their senile old loser before the election. Remember last election? Any decent candidate could have beaten Biden, but Trump is hopeless.
You can’t be that brainwashed to believe that election was rigged? There were 62 investigations (including Trump’s) that couldn’t find anything that would have changed any results. Trump is already saying the next one is rigged if he loses. Haven’t people noticed that POS wannabe dictator Trump has never said one bad word about his idols; Putin, Hitler or Kim Yung Un? The last thing America needs is that raving lunatic in power again. At least the majority of Americans were smart enough to flush the orange turd after one term too many.
Trump humiliates himself by always sticking his foot in his mouth. He’s an embarrassment to America. It’s too bad that Trump turned out to be such a dumb useless POS. I voted for him in 2016 thinking he was a smart businessman. Then found out he’s had 6 bankruptcies and 20 failed businesses, and stiffs almost every contractor he’s worked with. I don’t care that he cheats on every wife, grabs pussies and bangs porn stars, but he proved in less than one term that he was totally clueless about economics, foreign affairs, science, geography, history, technology and running the country. Voters flushed him after that, and again in his failed Red Tsunami, and he is even worse now with his crazy rants and insults. What a total loser he turned out to be.
That is F – – king insanity!!!! You are a nut case. Trump is the only person in this country that is qualified to lead this country!!! Listening to CNN that short period, not only gave me an instant headache due to the racist dude calling her out when she didn’t do a thing. Democrats love to fight with everyone and love to make everything racist!!! Get over it, no one living today was a slave and so many of them expect taxpayers to pay their way through life. It is all total bullshit!!!! Sick to death of it!!!
Brilliant people like YOU are exactly what the Dems are targeting. Weak, empty headed, Morons, that follow Kamala around like a Puppy just because the media tells you to. Kamala is the same LIAR that couldn’t get a SINGLE vote in 2020. NOTHING has changed !
The Dems deserve you, Good Riddens…
You are obviously delusional. Trump was the best president since Reagan. He made America strong, energy independant, our enemies feared us & our allies trusted us we were prosperous & had no wars. Get a grip on reality &stop getting drunk on democrat coolaid.
The lamestream fake news media, is so deep in the democrat’s pocket, that they always report what their democrat masters tell them to. They seem incapable of telling the truth. Anyone who believes their lies, is either deluded or stupid. Absolute truth always agrees with reality.
Get off the drugs and face facts. Trump has always been a total loser. Why do you think the majority of Americans flushed the incompetent orange turd after one term? If the Dems could dump their senile old man, then Republicans should be smart enough to dump their senile old loser before the election. Remember last election? Any decent candidate could have beaten Biden, but Trump is hopeless.
That election was rigged just like the phony Court cases in New York !
You can’t be that brainwashed to believe that election was rigged? There were 62 investigations (including Trump’s) that couldn’t find anything that would have changed any results. Trump is already saying the next one is rigged if he loses. Haven’t people noticed that POS wannabe dictator Trump has never said one bad word about his idols; Putin, Hitler or Kim Yung Un? The last thing America needs is that raving lunatic in power again. At least the majority of Americans were smart enough to flush the orange turd after one term too many.
This son called “professor” is why you shouldn’t waste your money going to college. He’s a Racist.