Donald Trump TRIGGERS Robert De Niro MELTDOWN Live On TV And This Happened…


Robert De Niro Claims Part of Award Show Speech Blasting Trump Was ‘Cut Out’ Without His Knowledge.

“I just want to say one thing,” he said. “The beginning of my speech was edited, cut out, and I didn’t know about it. And I want to read it. History isn’t history anymore. Truth is not truth. Even facts are being replaced by alternative facts, and driven by conspiracy theories and ugliness.”

Devin Gibson discusses this in the youtube video below:


DeNiro used to be one of my favorite actors. Until he started running his mouth & talking smack against Trump! It’s okay to dislike him but to go off the rails is not only disgraceful, it’s just downright mean & uncalled for. I’ve lost all respect for him & will never, EVER watch or buy any of his movies ever again! It’s not just Trump but if he acted this way toward anyone else, you’re history! He is the epitome of T.D.S.!

I hear nothing but hate from Deniro. I her nothing but Loving America from Trump. Let that sink in.


  1. FALSE NEWS!!! De Niro didn’t melt down. He read what he thought of Trump. Too bad that Trump, the petulant child, is whining again over criticism of his rants.

  2. So, De Niro was acting like an ass on camera. How is that different than his day job?
    “Come on Bob, make me feel it.
    Now sound incredulous”
    “You talking to me”, take-37.

  3. It continually amazes me why people idolize idiots like him. He spent his whole adult life pretending to be someone else! What benefits do actor’s give to society? NONE! Yet they all think their crap doesn’t stink!!! My respect is for the people who get up every day and do some thankless job that makes life better for all of us. Thank you truck drivers, nurses, doctors, store clerks, janitor s, waitresses, police officers, etc. , you make the world go around. DeNero, please do us all a favor actually leave the country when Trump gets re-elected, and take Alex Baldwin with you!


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