Gavin Newsom PISSES OFF Dems With Pro Trump Comments!



Trump needs to be on all ballets and needs to be our president

Though I appreciate Newsom allowing Trump on the California Ballot. I believe he (Newsom) has alterior motives


  1. All Newsom is doing is trying to make Biden look even worse than he already is so he can run for president in Biden’s place. That either communist or fascist jerk would be even worse than Biden.

  2. Get your spell checker fixed, it’s Ulterior, not Alterior. Also why do you say on all your articles ” Read more here” when the link leads to a video. I’d rather read a transcript than your videos. Your writers too lazy to write an article?

  3. If Newsom is telling the truth, for once, it’s because he has a further goal in mind for HIMSELF. Probably hoping HE doesn’t get investigated once Trump rightfully wins back the presidency.

  4. No the idoit is smart enough to understand he can only go so far. And if he stops trump being on the poles he will over step that line. Other starts aren’t that smart yet. But they will learn a hard lesson from this BS election fixing scheme. The far left got only so far with stopping free speech, then they tryed to stop the right to bare arms, now they want to tell you who you can vote for … that’s what will wake up the people
    … the line in the sand will be crossed. That will be the time the people will fight back. This is the BS the constitution was written for. And the far left Communist democrats are trying their best to destroy it and our country. With that go’s our way of life and our freedoms writen in the constitution of the United States of America. Now, it’s time for yall to either stand as a citizen of this country or a Communist trying to destroy it. The time is here where ya can only be one or the other. If ya government officials don’t toe the line , get rid of them and put in some that will work for the people instead of the corrupt government in power now. This isn’t the country our fathers made for us. Save it or lose it.


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