Group of Black Teens Are Randomly Attacking Old White People



Imagine if it was a group of White teens did this to an old black guy.

This is why you carry a firearm. This is a hate crime.


  1. real Americans have NOT sucked up or bowed down to the communist in our evil empire called Amerika. After 60 years of the unGREATful SOCIETY, the N1663Rs are still separate, still not equal. $23 trillions wasted trying to make savages equal…. is stupid ! Try doing this in the South, I DARE YA

  2. At 65 when you get SS and Medicare you should also get a US-wide conceal carry permit for life, a huge discount on a pistol along with lessons.

  3. You need to be worried about those migrants, they just have not been shipped off to the so-called-upity-white hoods, just give it time. Look at NY, a migrant gang coming to your hood real soon..LOL.. When white boys go in and shoot up a school how do you classify them? Mentally ill, or there has to be something wrong with them? Some of you are so filled with hate until you can’t see straight. God didn’t make you and then rested from all his work. Remember your roots began in Black Africa, deny it if you want. You should have warned your rapist, murdering, kidnapping, torturing, brutalizing ancestors before they committed the holocaust on African people
    Now it seems y’all get to reap what they sowed, assaults, murders, rapes, torture kidnappings on innocent men/women/children/babies/unborn babies. What do you call that LOVE. I know you wish you could go back and tell them to leave those black folk in Africa, instead of stealing them from their land for free labor. Your ancestors didn’t work for a damn thing, so you can become wealthy off the blood sweat and tears of others. Now look at your ugliness what a box of greedy low life buzzards who dare to cast a stone at another race. Move further back your ancestors tricked and murder the natives of the country (America) and took what didn’t belong to you, now y’all crying because you’re reaping. Do you think the average black person gets a kick out of anyone attacking the elderly, you pieces of trash. Didn’t your parents tell you the truth?

    • Learn some history correctly. African rounded up their own people and SOLD them to the English and Spanish who brought them to America. DO NOT blame the white people in America for slavery. Just so you know, Africa still has slavery, and they use Black people.
      Whoever owned a slave 150yrs. ago, their ancestors of the future should not be condemned for what they did, if so, let’s round up all the blacks that killed whites and let their families get compensated. Oh, don’t forget Harris’s father is black and her grandfather had slaves.

  4. Watch these little hood rats cry when you turn on them and draw a little blood, cut a finger off or blind one of their eyes. It’s time to fight back. In the rural area where I live these little chickens would just come up missing…

  5. They are not thugs but a pack of animals. You have 8 negroes after one white person, they are cowards. I bet if that guy was able to carry a gun and shot one of them the rest would have shit in their pants. COWARDS.

  6. No need to be racist. Trump already lost the black vote when he berated the women at his Black Caucus interview. Then Vance managed to lose the white women’s vote. And Kennedy has so many past posts saying what an incompetent loser Trump really is. LOL. What a group!

  7. I am sorry to read those written negative comments about the people whose skin are not white. As a teacher in vocational area
    I found NO white people more willing to learn and be eager to graduate and earning a livelihood and minding their own business
    to stay on the job to earn a retirement because so few of them
    are eligible since they experienced being dismissed from the labor
    force because their employers considered them as disposable and did not offered the opportunity to upgrade their proficiency in their
    trade to become “skilled professional “in their art (specialty) NON
    white people are as skilled as white people proof being shown with the gymnastic & sport as seen in the Olympics that made our U.S.
    ahead collecting the honors WE own to the NO white athletes our
    Country has earned every since the Olympic has been inaugurated
    In my testing procedure theoretical I asked students to provide
    their own blank answer sheet with their hand written mother’s 1
    name they would know so their grades would remain confidential.
    to every body and their result to the class would go pass + or —
    with my hand written mention open for upgrade. Every body pass.

  8. Please! Your editors need to read what they release! The headline makes your organization seem to be so uneducated. A group (singular) is (singular) attacking. Yikes! I could not read the article. If the headline demonstrated such a lack of third-grade education, how frustrating must the article be. May God bless you.


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