CNN’s 100 viewers will be enraged.

The Democrats created the game and now it’s time for Trump to win the game


  1. These jokers are such liars and fear mongers, it’s ridiculous. Just make up anything, or use hearsay to fire people up. Trump should be able to sue these folks.

  2. all the the corruption by the communists as well as by the republicans and who has been convicted? treason used to be a crime against the people punishable by death. are you kidding me. joes to old to be held accountable. hillary owns 90 percent of the corrupted officials in d.c. you could not even get a conviction against alec baldwin for murdering a woman on his movie set. it seems to go on and on. and there is not one person in this country who does not see it. nothing is done about lt because no one has the testicular package to make it happen. where is the fight in real americans. or where are the real americans. it appears to me the republican ladies in the house. am i allowed to call them ladies? these ladies have more guts than their male counterparts. males have been neutered and reduced to crybabies.

  3. Yeah, I like Doug and Exile, for sure! And Larry Sabato? What a piece of sh*t! This guy on CNN knows only one thing: true PROPAGANDA, in the “grand old tradition” of the lies, spun by Josef Goebbels, and from Stalin, too. Both the Nazis, and the Communists, were very good with their PROPAGANDA, and now, so is (CIA-controlled) CNN, too. Even during WWII, however, both Britain and the U.S. resorted to PROAGANDA lies: and MI-5 taught the OSS (later, the CIA) the value of LYING to the public (also known as PROPAGANDA). But, we are not in a World War, here, this is just politics. So, why are so many current and former intelligence community officials, employed by so many major media outlets, to spin so much PROPAGANDA and lies, for civilian political purposes? Because their bureaucracy and administrative agencies have gotten too big, and too costly–and their jobs and livelihoods are now under attack, from Trump and all other conservatives. These admin agencies have gotten too powerful, and must be cut down to size, PERIOD.


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