HOLY MOLY! Even CNN is sick of Joe Biden’s BULLS***!!!



I dont understand how these people can say things are better under “O’Biden”. Thats simply untrue. We have to skip Christmas this year so we can keep a roof over our heads & hope to buy enough groceries. Thanks Biden

We pay higher prices to make up for democratic ran cities, letting looting and stealing be legal as well.


  1. IMPRIMIS, The First News with Jesse Kelly and Bill O’Reilly. NEWSMAX with Greg Kelly. Socialism, Marxism, Communism. Ask people what living in a society like that is. Government runs everything. Tells you what can and cannot say. What you eat, drive, how many kids you can have. He money goes to them. Disagree you can go to jail. Soros, Gates, Schwaub. The New World Disaster. Get rid of cars. Take our farmland. China and others buying it out. Found a Chinese Police Station somewhere in California. EV’s are inefficient. Wind farms are not strong.Energy independence. Why give our reserves and then borrow from terrorist countries? Forced vaccines. Dr. Fauci, NIH has taken funding. He lied. Left our equipment, endangered our soldiers and allies. This is bad leadership. Vote Biden Harris, Blinken, Garland, Mayorkas, The Squad, Schumer, Austin, Miley, WHO, WEF, CDC, FBI! DOJ, teachers unions and school board. Israel has every right to defend itself. Hamas attacked babies, elderly, women. Unarmed. God says those that murder, steal, will be destroyed. Not the believer. Body will die. Soul in Heaven.

  2. this leave only msnbc left doing 24 hour pro biden bs.

    When CNN stops being pro biden you know the democrats are a failure.

  3. CNN’s Commentary still will not reveal the true facts! These people do not want to tell the truth about the actual facts of America’s Economic issues! The American people are totally unhappy about the current Economic issues. I would venture to say the CNN personnel do not know anything about GDP, GNP, Micro and Macro Economics. Obama releasing un-screened Muslims that were not vented at all, created now problems with praising the slauter of innocents in Israel and praising HAMAS. Look at all of the Homeless American Citizens throughout America but supporting Illegals. That to me shows how much the Dems have contributed to Treason!


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