JD Vance tears into Kamala Harris: ‘Sounds like a third grader’


Trump running mate Sen. JD Vance joined ‘Sunday Morning Futures’ to discuss his take on criticism surrounding his candidacy and how a Trump-Vance administration would foster prosperity. #FoxNews


Snowflakes are melting

This interview shows Trump made the right choice.


    • You really want Kamala to win??? What is wrong with you????? She is a socialist. She wants equity for everyone. Do you know what this means?? It means she wants everyone to end up with the same wealth (which will not be much because the elites will take it all). She wants open borders and to legalize all immigrants who come here illegally (votes anyone). America cannot afford this. She knows absolutely nothing about foreign policy. Now, in all fairness, please tell us what you think she has accomplished that had made or will make America Great Again.

  1. I am now a Republican. But the Trump team should Focus on the issues and not worry about the Democrats. That is how Trump will win.

    • Open boarders you allowing more the nice people.. You letting hundrens of thousand & more of crimminals.. You letting is drug trafficers & rapist & child molesters.. Your letting is many of thousands murderes that will murders you or you mother or your child for money in your pocket. If we don’t have vetted & managed immigration.. You will have food shortages. there are people in who where born & raised america who are homeless and vertern who served our counts who need help.. they are being left behind because the current want immigrants replace us & immgrants vote keep the democrats in office. so they keep the dempocrats who allow illegal immigrats vote. there for it will cancel our votes.. before biden was in off there where 13 million immigrats that obama let in our country..There giving the immiggrats free housing & free cash & food stamps while amercans & our children our starving..


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