Jesse Watters: This is what corruption looks like



Congressional INSIDER TRADING is somehow totally acceptable! They get RICHER , We get INFLATION!

Tell me politicians are corrupt without telling me a politician is corrupt. Look at their bank accounts


  1. The corruption from both sides of the isle is out of control. It’s time to have laws prohibiting trading while in office. We taxpayers pay their salaries for fancy trips, parties, dinners, etc. while the rest of us are stagnant with inflation, high interest rates, and gas prices as they revel in their new found prosperity. Their answer is always; SOCIALISM or COMMUNISM to help ease their conscience if they even have a tiny bit of one.

  2. This has been a consistent issue for over 50 years! Half a century!!! We all know it’s going on. We all know it’s wrong and that it is extremely damaging to America and America’s taxpayers, but in over 50 years Congress has been unwilling—certainly not unable—to pass a single bill making it just as illegal for members of Congress as it is for every other American.

    Folks, it won’t change unless the voters and taxpayers FORCE it to change. And by “force” I don’t mean calling, writing, or voting members of Congress. I mean torches and pitchforks revolution in the streets of America.

  3. What is SAD is no-one will be held accountable and Congress will not pass a law against insider training. These INSIDERS (people) have arrived in Congress and now depart as millionaires! Yet, this goes unnoticed during previous elections as they skate away, in fact some who are not running are holding Campaign Fundraisers ?? I guess they will have plenty of debt, maybe legal expenses after they retire into lucrative private sector jobs ? Wake up America – we are being screwed with taxpayer money!

    • Phil stop deflecting and accept that you are a criminal via aiding and abetting criminal democrats.

      So phil have you chased down and murdered any jews yet today?
      Have you hauled your box truck full of pre-teen illegal aliens out to biden’s house yet today?
      Have you taken have 8 year olds to have their sex change operations without parents consent yet today?
      Are you all caught up on your covid boosters and mRNA flu shots? remember to get your vax passport updated!

      Oh yeah Phil thanks for the three tax increase from your democrat party and the lovely 22% cumulative inflation your dmeocrats caused in three years. We all just love what you have done with the cost of living.

      The threats from your demented president are so uniting and reassuring.

      Oh the wars you dmeocrats have caused, three of them so far, make the world such a safe place. I just love biden saying he is running out of patience with Israel defending their citizens while biden increases the wars in syria and iraq: its delightful.

      yup I am absolutely certain that I trust your logic and analysis. It seems sooo… off… on every subject.

  4. Be serious – most of the respective constituents ignore the aforementioned politicians! In fact, when last in Buffalo, NY, Higgins was holding a fund raiser? I guess he needs to reimbursed for moving all his household goods back to his next political appointment! We need term limits and insider trading law and more investigators monitoring these transactions.

  5. Those in power want to keep their finances . There is insider tradeing in Congress. Too many get rich with items they are to control. I would love tobe in control of finances in Congress. They should not make money off what they are suppose to control.


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